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2015, Vol.25, No.3

Study on Single-dose Intramuscular Toxicity of Shinbaro Pharmacopuncture in Sprague-Dawley (SD) Rats and Beagle Dogs
이진호 , 정화진 , Lee In Hee and 3 other persons | 2015, 25(3) | pp.1~9 | number of Cited : 4
A Study on the Korean Medical Quality Assessment of Spinal Disease -Focusing on Admission Patients-
박정식 , Lim Hyung Ho | 2015, 25(3) | pp.11~26 | number of Cited : 1
Reviewing Research on the Treatment and Study of Fracture in Korean Journals Objective - Focus on Domestic Thesis
배길준 , Ji-Won Jeong , 정민영 and 1 other persons | 2015, 25(3) | pp.27~36 | number of Cited : 21
Reviewing Research on the Study of Rheumatoid Arthritis Model Treated by Pharmacopuncture in Korean Journals Objective
Ji-Won Jeong , 배길준 , 원정윤 and 2 other persons | 2015, 25(3) | pp.37~49 | number of Cited : 4
Chuna Manual Therapy for Nocturnal Crying; A Systematic Review
Hwang Mansuk , Shin, Byung Cheul , Kwang-ho Heo and 6 other persons | 2015, 25(3) | pp.51~57 | number of Cited : 9
The Review on the Studies Using Delphi Method in the Journals of Korean Medicine from 2006 to 2015
박창현 , Lim Hyung Ho | 2015, 25(3) | pp.59~64 | number of Cited : 1
Survey on Satisfaction of Korean Medicine Treatment in 103 Cases by Traffic Accident
배길준 , Ji-Won Jeong , 송민영 and 6 other persons | 2015, 25(3) | pp.65~79 | number of Cited : 15
Clinical Study of the Effects of Gwibi-tang and Danggwisusan on Traffic Accident Patients with Acute Cervicolumbar Disorder
박정오 , 정훈 , 허동석 | 2015, 25(3) | pp.81~90 | number of Cited : 13
A Case Report of Upper Extremities Rehablitation of 2 Cervical Spinal Cord Injured Patients by Functional Electrical Stimulation with Korean Medical Interventions
이종훈 , Sung-Woo Cho | 2015, 25(3) | pp.91~102 | number of Cited : 4
A Case Report of Asthma Patient with Pneumonia Improved by Buteyko Breathing Technique and Korean Medical Treatment
박정하 , Deuk Ju Oh , 박수정 | 2015, 25(3) | pp.103~109 | number of Cited : 1
The One Case Report of Strabismus of Traffic Accident Induced Abducence Nerve Paralysis Treated with Electro-acupuncture
한정석 , 원정윤 , 김문준 and 1 other persons | 2015, 25(3) | pp.111~117 | number of Cited : 7
Late Detection of Chronic Subdural Hematoma in Traffic Accident Patients Who Treated Tibial Fractures; Report of 2 Cases
김병준 , Shin, Byung Cheul , Hwang Eui-hyoung and 3 other persons | 2015, 25(3) | pp.119~125 | number of Cited : 1
Case Report of Korean Medical Treatment on Acute Peroneal Nerve Palsy Patient Caused by Prolonged Immobilization
김민수 , 김진희 , 이지영 and 2 other persons | 2015, 25(3) | pp.127~136 | number of Cited : 5