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Number of distribution websites by publishing institution (as of October 22, 2024) Download

발행기관별(학회, 대학부설연구소, 일반기관) 보급 홈페이지 수
institution Univ. Research Inst. General institution Total
80 25 3 108

Number of papers by publication year (as of October 22, 2024) Download

발행 연도별 논문 수
Before 2014 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total
28,879 3,472 3,629 3,514 3,404 3,615 3,711 3,735 2,515 2,377 2,422 1,700 62,973

Status of academic journals and papers by field (as of October 22, 2024) Download

분야별 현황
Division Humanities and Social Sciences Science and Technology etc Total
Humanities Social Science Arts and Kinesiology Interdisciplinary Studies Total Natural Science Engineering Medicine and Pharmacy Marine Agriculture, Fishery Total
Journals 35 34 5 11 85 3 7 13 0 23 0 108
Articles 19,456 15,198 2,901 7,363 44,918 1,364 9,281 7,410 0 18,055 0 62,973