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2008, Vol.8, No.2

A Literature Review on Obesity in Postmenopausal Women
양미성 , Misook Shin , 안혜림 | 2008, 8(2) | pp.1~13 | number of Cited : 7
The Study on Treatment of Obesity by Oriental Medicine Music Therapy
이승현 , Kim, Yeun-Soo , 김여진 | 2008, 8(2) | pp.15~23 | number of Cited : 3
The Research about Distribution of Abdominal Fat in Obese Premenopausal Korean Women
이아라 , Chung Won Suk , Mi-Yeon Song | 2008, 8(2) | pp.25~35 | number of Cited : 4
The Difference of Syndrome Differentiation Patterns between Premenopausal and Climacteric Obese Korean Women
Chung Won Suk , 황미자 , 이아라 and 3 other persons | 2008, 8(2) | pp.37~47 | number of Cited : 8
Relation of Physical Activity and Visceral Adipose Tissue Accumulation in Korean Obese and Overweight Women
조유정 , 황미자 , Chung Won Suk and 2 other persons | 2008, 8(2) | pp.49~62 | number of Cited : 3
Analysis of Oriental Obesity Pattern Identification Questionnaire on Overweight and Obese Korean Adult Women
황미자 , 문진석 , 박경수 and 1 other persons | 2008, 8(2) | pp.63~72 | number of Cited : 9