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2008, Vol.16, No.1

Comparison of Electrical Stimulation and Traditional Swallow Therapy for Dysphgia Management of Stroke Individuals Using a Nasogastric Tube
Cha tae hyun , Eun Young Yoo , 오덕원 and 3 other persons | 2008, 16(1) | pp.1~10 | number of Cited : 17
The Realtionship of Allen Cognitive Level With the Cognitive Abilities and Psychosocial Factors of People With Schizophrenia
김선옥 | 2008, 16(1) | pp.11~22 | number of Cited : 1
The Effect of Mental Practice Using Motor Imagery Through Target Aiming Task and Serial Reaction Time Task
박지원 | 2008, 16(1) | pp.23~31 | number of Cited : 1
The Effects of Sensory Integration Treatment on Occupational Performance Abilities in Children With Developmental Disabilites
최지선 , Daehyuk Kang , kim jin kyung | 2008, 16(1) | pp.33~43 | number of Cited : 14
The Relationship of Sensory Processing and Child-Rearing Attitudes for Mothers of Children With or Without Disabilities
kim jin kyung , 최종덕 , 박소연 | 2008, 16(1) | pp.45~54 | number of Cited : 15
A Study on the Balance Ability and Obesity of Rural Elderly Persons in Nonsan
이재신 , Byoungjin Jeon | 2008, 16(1) | pp.55~66 | number of Cited : 8
Effect of Submerged Upper Limb Symmetrical Exercise on the Functionality of Upper Limb in Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy
고명숙 , 한승원 , 유병규 and 2 other persons | 2008, 16(1) | pp.67~76 | number of Cited : 6
Muscle Activity and a Kinematic Analysis of Drinking Motion
윤성용 , Taekyoung Lee , So-Yeon Park and 2 other persons | 2008, 16(1) | pp.77~88 | number of Cited : 10
The Relationship of Ipsilateral Mirror Movements and Motor Function of the Affected Upper Extremity of Stroke Patients
김중선 , 권용현 , 장종성 | 2008, 16(1) | pp.89~98 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on the Practical Degree of Use Toward Assistive Technology for Occupational Therapists
Moonyoung Chang , 권혁철 , 김경미 and 1 other persons | 2008, 16(1) | pp.99~107 | number of Cited : 4
The Factors of Work-Related Stress in Occupational Therapists Working in Korean Hospitals
한대성 , 정민예 , Eun Young Yoo and 1 other persons | 2008, 16(1) | pp.109~118 | number of Cited : 43