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Development of Home-based Activities (AHA) Assessment

yang 1 MINYE JUNG 2 Eun Young Yoo 2 Ji-Hyuk Park 2 Lee Jaeshin 3 Kiyeon Chang 4

2연세대학교 보건과학대학 작업치료학과



Objective : The aim of this study was to develop a Home-based Activities (AHA) assesment that can determine the performance of daily at-home activities of the elderly in three areas: Independence, difficulty, and safety. Methods : Certain steps were followed: Collection and selection of the activities, finalizing the activities, and determination of the scale level and scoring method. A total of 38 daily activities were collected, which were narrowed down to 26 through the three rounds of selection. In the selection rounds, 10 experts and 145 elderly people participated in a survey or panel meeting on the conformance and/or importance of the activities. The degree of independence was determined on a 3-point scale, whereas the difficulty and safety levels were determined on a 4-point scale. The scoring method was determined using a Likert method for the rating summation. Results : The AHA is composed of 3 measurement areas and 26 activities for each area. The activities include 14 BADL, 11 IADL, and 1 leisure activities. Conclusion : The AHA is the first instrument in Korea for assessing elderly people’s performance of daily at-home activities, and is expected to be useful in the planning and implementation of interventions in the field of rehabilitation through occupational therapy.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.