author={Choi Seong-Youl and Lee Jaeshin and Kim Su Kyoung and Cha tae hyun},
title={Comparing Effects of Driving Simulator and Dynavision Training on Cognitive Ability and Driving Performance After Stroke},
journal={Korean Journal of Occupational Therapy},
AU - Choi Seong-Youl
AU - Lee Jaeshin
AU - Kim Su Kyoung
AU - Cha tae hyun
TI - Comparing Effects of Driving Simulator and Dynavision Training on Cognitive Ability and Driving Performance After Stroke
JO - Korean Journal of Occupational Therapy
PY - 2018
VL - 26
IS - 4
PB - Korean Society Of Occupational Therapy
SP - 127
EP - 143
SN - 1226-0134
AB - Objective : The purpose of this study was to compare with the effects of driving simulator and Dynavision trainingafter stroke through the test of cognitive ability and driving performance.
Methods : Twenty-one stroke patients were randomly classified to the driving simulator training group (N=11) andDynavision training group (N=10), and were carried out respectively training for 15 times. The drivingperformances was measured by the driving simulator test, and cognitive-perceptive abilities was measured by theDriveABLE Cognitive Assessment Tool, Trail Making Test-A, Trail Making Test-B and Mini Mental StateExamination-K.
Results : The driving simulator training group showed significant changes in all cognitive tests and most of drivingperformances. The Dynavision training group also showed significant changes in all cognitive tests except for TrailMaking Test-A and some driving performances. The significant differences on both groups were found regardingthe estimated degree of results on the on-road evaluation, the number of off road accidents and collisions. Inaddition, the causal influence of the two training methods on these variables was analyzed to be more than 20%.
Conclusion : The driving simulator and Dynavision training were found to be effective intervention in the drivingrehabilitation after stroke. In particular, it was confirmed that the driving simulator is an effective training toimprove overall driving ability of stroke patients. In addition, the difference in training effect between the twotraining methods was found to be more than 20%.
KW - DCAT;Dynavision;Stroke;Driving;Driving simulator
DO - 10.14519/jksot.2018.26.4.10
ER -
Choi Seong-Youl, Lee Jaeshin, Kim Su Kyoung and Cha tae hyun. (2018). Comparing Effects of Driving Simulator and Dynavision Training on Cognitive Ability and Driving Performance After Stroke. Korean Journal of Occupational Therapy, 26(4), 127-143.
Choi Seong-Youl, Lee Jaeshin, Kim Su Kyoung and Cha tae hyun. 2018, "Comparing Effects of Driving Simulator and Dynavision Training on Cognitive Ability and Driving Performance After Stroke", Korean Journal of Occupational Therapy, vol.26, no.4 pp.127-143. Available from: doi:10.14519/jksot.2018.26.4.10
Choi Seong-Youl, Lee Jaeshin, Kim Su Kyoung, Cha tae hyun "Comparing Effects of Driving Simulator and Dynavision Training on Cognitive Ability and Driving Performance After Stroke" Korean Journal of Occupational Therapy 26.4 pp.127-143 (2018) : 127.
Choi Seong-Youl, Lee Jaeshin, Kim Su Kyoung, Cha tae hyun. Comparing Effects of Driving Simulator and Dynavision Training on Cognitive Ability and Driving Performance After Stroke. 2018; 26(4), 127-143. Available from: doi:10.14519/jksot.2018.26.4.10
Choi Seong-Youl, Lee Jaeshin, Kim Su Kyoung and Cha tae hyun. "Comparing Effects of Driving Simulator and Dynavision Training on Cognitive Ability and Driving Performance After Stroke" Korean Journal of Occupational Therapy 26, no.4 (2018) : 127-143.doi: 10.14519/jksot.2018.26.4.10
Choi Seong-Youl; Lee Jaeshin; Kim Su Kyoung; Cha tae hyun. Comparing Effects of Driving Simulator and Dynavision Training on Cognitive Ability and Driving Performance After Stroke. Korean Journal of Occupational Therapy, 26(4), 127-143. doi: 10.14519/jksot.2018.26.4.10
Choi Seong-Youl; Lee Jaeshin; Kim Su Kyoung; Cha tae hyun. Comparing Effects of Driving Simulator and Dynavision Training on Cognitive Ability and Driving Performance After Stroke. Korean Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2018; 26(4) 127-143. doi: 10.14519/jksot.2018.26.4.10
Choi Seong-Youl, Lee Jaeshin, Kim Su Kyoung, Cha tae hyun. Comparing Effects of Driving Simulator and Dynavision Training on Cognitive Ability and Driving Performance After Stroke. 2018; 26(4), 127-143. Available from: doi:10.14519/jksot.2018.26.4.10
Choi Seong-Youl, Lee Jaeshin, Kim Su Kyoung and Cha tae hyun. "Comparing Effects of Driving Simulator and Dynavision Training on Cognitive Ability and Driving Performance After Stroke" Korean Journal of Occupational Therapy 26, no.4 (2018) : 127-143.doi: 10.14519/jksot.2018.26.4.10