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Improvement of Completeness Determination in Software Development Contract Disputes

  • Journal of Software Assessment and Valuation
  • Abbr : JSAV
  • 2021, 17(1), pp.1-9
  • DOI : 10.29056/jsav.2021.06.01
  • Publisher : Korea Software Assessment and Valuation Society
  • Research Area : Engineering > Computer Science
  • Received : April 24, 2021
  • Accepted : June 20, 2021
  • Published : June 30, 2021

Kim Si Yeol 1




In disputes involving contracts for work, most issues boil down a single, most crucial, underlying question: whether the agreed work was completed. The same applies to software development services, which are usually usually provided under contracts for work. In disputes arising from software development contracts, appraisal is commonly used to determine the completeness of the software in question. However, it is often difficult to ensure the objectivity of the appraisal. This study examines past cases involving the determination of software completeness to identify the method used in each case. Then, based on the findings, this study identifies issues requiring improvements to ensure objective determination of completeness.

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