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2003, Vol.6, No.2

Ethical Problems of Pre-implantation Diagnosis
Ku In Hoe | 2003, 6(2) | pp.~ | number of Cited : 1
A Survey of Korean Students' perception of a School of Dentistry toward the Dental Ethics
김윤정 , Kim,Soo-Nam | 2003, 6(2) | pp.~ | number of Cited : 2
Human Organs, The Policy of the United States and Its Ethical Background
임종식 | 2003, 6(2) | pp.~ | number of Cited : 0
Nursing students' attitude toward elderly
Yunjung Lee , KIM Shinmi , 유수정 | 2003, 6(2) | pp.~ | number of Cited : 7
The Usefulness and Binding Feature of Code of Doctor's Ethics
유호정 | 2003, 6(2) | pp.~ | number of Cited : 2