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Bioethics and Anthropology

  • Korean Journal of Medical Ethics
  • Abbr : 의료윤리
  • 2004, 7(2), pp.217-231
  • Publisher : The Korean Society For Medical Ethics
  • Research Area : Medicine and Pharmacy > General Medicine
  • Published : December 31, 2004

홍석영 1




Bioethics is to require Anthropology, which studies the human nature. According to Anthropology, human being is person and physical-spiritual totality. In related contemporary bioethics problems, the physical life is to have fundamental value. Viewpoint from bioethics founded on anthropology, 1. the doctor-patient relation is the situation on need and help. So, this relation is to ask for care rather than autonomy. 2. The human embryonic stem cell research is to be prohibited. Because, the human embryo is the human being and person. 3. The xenotransplantation is possible to be allowed, but is to take into account questions and issues connected with the defence of the dignity and identity of the recipient. In order to realize the human dignity, bioethics is to found anthropology.

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