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The Process of Medical Decision-making for Cancer Patients

  • Korean Journal of Medical Ethics
  • Abbr : 의료윤리
  • 2009, 12(1), pp.1-14
  • DOI : 10.35301/ksme.2009.12.1.1
  • Publisher : The Korean Society For Medical Ethics
  • Research Area : Medicine and Pharmacy > General Medicine
  • Published : March 31, 2009

SangMok Lee 1 Seongyeon Kim 1 Hyung-Sik Lee 1




Purpose: This study was performed to evaluate the perception and attitudes of cancer patients regarding medical decision-making. Method: A clinical survey was conducted using questionnaires consisting of 8 items for cancer patients and 11 items for dependents. Both patients and dependents were interviewed. Two hundred and ninety-four people (147 pairs) participated in this survey. The results of the survey were evaluated to see how attitudes concerning medical decision-making differ. Results: The majority of both patients and dependents (more than 90% for each group) gave positive answers to the question of whether the doctor explained the patient’s condition. Also, the majority of both patients and dependents (approximately 90%) were informed about treatment options. Fifty eight percent of the patients and 73% of dependents think that the family is entitled to be informed about the course of treatment and treatment options. In response to the question of which person should decide the course of treatment in the case of disagreement, about 47% of patients and dependents think that the patient should decide, but 14% and 22%, respectively, think that the family should. When making decisions regarding treatment, both patients and dependents consider that improvement in health is the main consideration, followed by the alleviation or avoidance of pain. The lack of information and the pain of the patient are the source of most difficulties. Conclusion: The survey results show that the majority of both cancer patients and their family members think that family members are entitled to be informed of treatment options and have a right to make decisions regarding treatment. The survey also indicates that the majority of patients and family members believe that patients themselves should make treatment decisions in the event of disagreements between patients and family members.

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