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Medical Unprofessionalism, De-professionalization, and Virtue Ethics

Lee Dong Ik 1 Kim, Soo Jung 1 최숙희 1




Medical unprofessionalism and the deprofessionalization of medicine have of late become serious concerns to physicians, medical educators, and the public. Medical professionalism, which signifies a set of values, behaviors, and a relationship that underpins the trust the public places in physicians, is a core feature of medical practice. Commercialism and consumerism in medicine are among the main factors currently contributing to medical unprofessionalism and the deprofessionalization of medical practice. The unprofessionalism and deprofessionalization of physicians produce negative images of physicians. In this article we argue for a virtue-ethics approach to solving the problems of medical unprofessionalism and deprofessionalization. We argue for the promotion of certain virtues among physicians and the need for virtuous role models. Furthermore, we claim that since physicians are also members of society,the nurturing of virtue within the medical profession both promotes and requires the nurturing of virtue within society at large.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.