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The Scope and Influence of Pharmaceutical Marketing to Medical Trainees in Korea

Cheong Yooseok ORD ID 1

1단국대학교 의과대학 의료윤리학교실



The pharmaceutical industry, through its various marketing activities, has a significant presence among trainees in medical residency and appears to influence their prescribing behavior. The purpose of this study was to assess the extent to which Korean medical trainees are exposed to pharmaceutical promotional activities, how they respond to such activities, and whether they are aware of the ‘dual-punishment law' that came into effect in 2010. An on-the-spot survey was conducted using a questionnaire given to 238 chief residents of internal medicine that participated in educational lectures at Jeonju, South Korea on April 22, 2011. Whether or not trainees accepted promotional activities was found to depend on the nature of the activities in question: 98.7% of trainees thought that it was acceptable to receive office supplies such as ball-point pens and notes; 66.1% found it unacceptable to receive monetary compensation for group dinners in return for designating a particular drug for use; 87.3% answered that they had changed their choice of prescription after being briefed on drugs. A mere 14.7% of trainees claimed to be aware of the “dual-punishment law,” only 11.2% had an ethical code regarding relationships with pharmaceutical companies within their medical communities, and a mere 9.5% of trainees had received any education on such matters. The influence of pharmaceutical promotional activities is widespread among medical trainees in Korea. Residency programs can benefit from policies and curricula that educate residents on the influence that pharmaceutical companies can have on them and the ways in which the information these companies present can be evaluated critically.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.