Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 0.42
pISSN : 1226-4075 / eISSN : 2287-786X
pISSN : 1226-4075 / eISSN : 2287-786X
Research Ethics Regulation
Chapter 1. General provision
Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of this Regulation is to present the basic principles and directions intended to secure the members’ research ethics of Society of Sasang Constitutional Medicine (hereinafter referred to as the “Society”), prevent illegal practices, and ensue fairness and organized verification on research misconduct.
Article 2 ( Applied Target)
This provision shall apply to those who participate in the academic activities of the Society organizing academic events, research projects, publishing, education business, and so forth.
Article 3 (Coverage of Application)
The coverage of application for the Society’s research ethics shall be in accordance with this Regulation, except pursuant to the special provisions of upper laws and regulations established by national institutions.
Article 4 (Scope of Research Misconducts)
Research misconduct (hereinafter referred to as “misconduct”) refers to fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, unfair indication of authors, etc., that occur in the course of proposal, performance, reports, and announcement of research articles.
Section 1
“Fabrication” is to fabricate data or research results that do not exist.
Section 2
“Falsification” is to manipulate research materials, equipment or processes, etc. or modify or delete data intentionally, leading to distortion of research content and results.
Section 3
“Plagiarism” is a wrongful appropriation, and stealing and publication of ideas, research content, results of another author without due authorization or references, and the various types of plagiarism are defined as follows.
Section 4
“Unfair indication of authors” refers to not granting authorship to researchers who made scientific, technological contributions to the content and results of a research article without reasonable grounds, or granting authorship to persons who did not make scientific and technological contributions.
Section 5
Intentional disruption on research ethics investigation due to alleged misconduct, and harm on informant.
Section 6
Acts that seriously deviated from the scope of normally accepted in the scientific and technological community
Chapter 2. Organization of a Research Ethics Investigation Committee
Article 5 (Organization of a Research Ethics Investigation Committee)
The Research Ethics Committee of the Society serve concurrently as editorial office. Also, the editor-in-chief shall be head of the investigation committee.
Article 6 (Investigation on misconduct and report)
If alleged research misconduct is reported, the chairman of the Society should notify Research Ethics Investigation Committee of the matter, and shall request installation and report of investigation.
Section 1. Contents of the reported misconduct
Section 2. Misconduct necessary of investigation
Section 3. List of the members of Research Ethics Investigation Committee and meeting log
Section 4. Scope of misconduct and judging the truth
Section5. Related evidence and witnesses
Article 7 (Measures to be taken after the Report of Investigation)
In the event of no misconduct in the investigation result, the Society can take measures to restore the honor of the researcher . In the event the investigation result of the investigation committee confirms that the research misconduct as defined under the regulation, the Society should announce the misconduct and take measures according to the resolution of the board of directors.
Section 1. Requesting cancellation or correction for the research result
Section 2. Canceling publication of the research result ( in case of the existing publication, sending the cancellation notice to the relevant authority)
Section 3. Losing membership for an appropriate period
Section 4. Dismissal
Section 5. Accusation to the law institute
Article 8 (Enforcement bylaws)
For the smooth operation of the Research Ethics Committee, the enforcement regulations are separately determined.
Article 9 (Application of other laws mutatis mutandis)
The 「Guidelines for Securing Research Ethics (Ordinance of the Ministry of Science and Technology)」 may be applied mutatis mutandis to the matters not stipulated in this regulation regarding the verification of the integrity of research ethics.
Chapter 3. Others
Article 10. (Authorship)
Authorship is required for all authors of journals published by this society, and all authorship criteria in the following sections must be met.
Section 1. A person who has made a substantial contribution to the conception or design of research, acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of research data
Section 2. A person who drafted research results or made critical revision to important academic contents
Section 3. The person who finally approved the version to be published
Section 4. A person who agrees to take responsibility for all aspects of the research so that issues related to the accuracy or truthfulness of the research are properly investigated and resolved
① (Enforcement Date) This regulation shall take effect from the date of resolution by the Board of Directors (November 28, 2007).
② (Enforcement Date) This regulation shall take effect from the date of resolution by the Research Ethics Committee (February 28, 2008).
③ (Enforcement Date) This regulation shall take effect from the date of resolution by the Board of Directors (March 12, 2020).
Enforcement Rules for the Smooth Operation of the Research Ethics Committee
(Enforcement Regulations under Chapter 2, Article 8 of the Research Ethics Regulations of The Society of Sasang Constitutional Medicine)
Enacted on 28 February 2008
Article 1 (Function of Research Ethics Committee)
① Screen whether the filed member violates the ethical regulations and enact necessary rules.
②The case filed shall be deliberated and resolved within 60 days from the date of receipt.
③The types and contents of disciplinary action, such as expulsion, suspension of qualifications, and public apology, shall be disclosed for the filed matter and members.
Article 2 (Meeting of Research Ethics Committee)
①The committee meeting shall be convened by the chairperson and become its chairman.
②The Chairperson shall convene a committee at the request of the Chairperson or three or more members, or upon request for deliberation.
③A member of the society or an interested party may request the committee in writing to determine whether a specific member's writing behavior violates the research ethics regulations of this society. However, in order to file a lawsuit with the Ethics Committee, at least 20 full-time members must be signed.
④The meeting shall be held with the attendance of a majority of the registered members and shall be resolved with the approval of a majority of the attending members.
⑤In principle, the committee's meetings and minutes should not be disclosed.
Article 3 (Content of deliberation by the Research Ethics Committee)
①Matters concerning the protection of the rights of subjects and the guarantee of safety and welfare.
②Matters concerning the suitability of the responsible researcher conducting the research
③Matters concerning the evaluation of the ethical and scientific validity of the research plan.
④Matters concerning the performance of the research for a reasonable purpose
⑤Matters concerning the subject's compensation and the impact of participation in the study due to the compensation.
⑥Matters concerning the approval of written consent of the subject or agent, the subject's manual, and other documented information.
⑦Matters concerning the operation of tissue and biological samples
⑧matters concerning the protection of personal information
⑨Matters concerning approval of research plans
⑩other important matters
Article 4 (Procedures for deliberation by the Research Ethics Committee)
①The Committee may determine the deliberation procedure, such as whether or not to participate in self-examination or external deliberation committee members, through discussions before commencing full-fledged deliberation on the received agenda.
②The committee decides whether to violate academic research ethics after sufficient review of the research results of the members subject to deliberation. To this end, the committee may, if necessary, interview members subject to deliberation, requestors for deliberation, and judges of the thesis in which the problem is raised. Executives and members who have been sued for violating ethical regulations, shall cooperate with the investigation conducted by the Research Ethics Committee of this society. If a member subject to deliberation does not cooperate with the committee's interview, it may be considered a violation of research ethics regulations.
③The committee grants sufficient opportunities for explanation to members subject to deliberation.
④Members shall not disclose to the outside world the status of members subject to deliberation or the progress of the meeting until a final decision is made.
⑤The Committee shall prepare the entire process of deliberation in writing, and shall preserve the decision of deliberation with the signature of all the deliberation members.
Article 5 (Opportunities for vocation and confidentiality)
①A person who has been sued by the Ethics Committee for violating ethical regulations maintains his/her rights as a member until it is confirmed.
②In principle, a person sued by the Ethics Committee for violating ethical regulations shall be given sufficient opportunities for explanation.
③The ethics committee member cannot disclose the identity of the party to the outside until a decision is made.
Article 6 (Disciplinary Action)
If the facts (research misconduct) of Article 4 of the General Rules of the Research Ethics Regulations are confirmed after deliberation by the editorial committee, the following sanctions shall be imposed according to the severity.
1. Deletion of the journal's thesis list
2. Prohibition of future thesis contributors (3 years from now)
3. Announcement of the Society's website
4. Notification of plagiarism to the affiliated organization of the person responsible for the fraudulent research.
5. Notification of the details to the Korea Foundation for Academic Promotion
Article 7 (Report on Review Results)
The Committee shall immediately report the results of deliberation to the Chairperson and the Editorial Committee to take prompt disciplinary measures and report them to the next board of directors and general meetings. The following matters shall be specified in the report on the results of deliberation.
1. Violations of Academic Research Ethics Regulations
2. Procedures for deliberation
3. Grounds for decision of deliberation and relevant evidence
4. Calling and processing procedures of members subject to deliberation
The editorial committee publishes such facts in the journal and notifies academic advancements and related organizations.
Article 8 (Follow-up measures)
After reviewing the report of the Research Ethics Committee, the chairman and the board of directors shall take the following measures.
1. The decision of the Examination Committee shall be implemented immediately in accordance with the decision of the chairman and the board of
2. If the results of the review are judged to be problematic in rationality and validity, the chairman and the board of directors may request a review by the ethics committee or supplement the report. The request of the board of directors is made only as a document stating specific reasons.
①(Enforcement Date) This Enforcement Rule shall come into effect as of the date of resolution by the Research Ethics Committee (28 February 2008).