This article explores some of the numerous works of the Québécois artist Raymond Lévesque (1928-2021), who was the prolific author of poetry, novels, and essays, plus hundreds of songs. Very famous in Québec but also in France where he produced himself as a singer during the 1950s, he is almost unknown nowadays in Canada. This frequent paradox in Canadian culture is nonetheless one of the fundamental components of Canadian Studies. The aim of this article is to present some of Raymond Lévesque’s works, and to explain why so many Canadian artists are generally unknown in their own country. This article argues that ignoring Canadian culture is an inevitable dimension of the Canadian society: many Canadians are more familiar with the mainstream, mass culture from the USA than their own, genuine, Canadian culture from Canadian artists, writers, composers, and authors. This issue is even more exacerbated whenever Anglophones living in Canada are asked about their knowledge of the Canadian culture and Canadian artists that are creating works in French.