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"Chung-Ang Saron", published by Institute for Historical Studies at Chung-Ang University, publishes papers covering Korean history, Eastern history, Western history, Archeology, Art history, and Science history with the aim of promoting academic research in the field of history. The first volume of "Chung-Ang Saron" was published in December 1972 with Korean Association of Chung-Ang Historical Studies as its publisher, and from the 26th volume, Institute for Historical Studies at Chung-Ang University took over the right to issue and published it up to the current 54th (published on Dec. 31, 2021).  The institute, which took over the publishing rights, has been renewed for several years with the goal of becoming a leading academic journal of history in Korea. As a result, it was selected as a registered journal in recognition the academic achievements and values in the academic journal evaluation conducted by the National Research Foundation of Korea in 2011. Currently, "Chung-Ang Saron" is regularly published twice a year (June 30, December 31), and offline printed copies are distributed to members of the Korean Association of Chung-Ang Historical Studies, to affiliated institutions and major domestic libraries. Online services are provided on the institute's own website and KYOBOSCHOLAR (https://scholar.dkyobobook.co.kr/). Institute for Historical Studies at Chung-Ang University is undergoing renewal having with the aim of upgrading "Chung-Ang Saron" to the level of international academic journals within the next 7 years.

Editor-in-Chief more

Jeong, Ho-hun

(Seoul National University)

Citation Index more

  • KCI IF(2yr) : 0.76
  • KCI IF(5yr) : 0.6
  • Centrality Index(3yr) : 1.222
  • Immediacy Index : 0.0556

Current Issue : 2020, Vol., No.52 more

Strengthening the royal authority of King Uiduk of Baekje and Iksan
Oh, Taek-hyun | 2020, (52) | pp.5~42 | number of Cited : 5
A study on “Kamishibai” of simplified life insurance in colonial joseon
kwon hee ju | Sung, Yun-A | 2020, (52) | pp.43~72 | number of Cited : 9
Experience in the International Labor Market and Dilemma as a Nationalist; Focusing on Ju Yo-seop’s Novels Inspired by the Writer’s Overseas Stay
Joung, Ju A | 2020, (52) | pp.73~109 | number of Cited : 2

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