author={James David Adams Jr},
title={What can traditional healing do for modern medicine},
AU - James David Adams Jr
TI - What can traditional healing do for modern medicine
PY - 2014
VL - 4
IS - 2
PB - Cellmed Orthocellular Medicine and Pharmaceutical Association
SP - 9
EP - 9
SN - 3022-6805
AB - Modern society suffers from a disease burden that is caused by out of balance patients. Obesity causes patients to be out of balance and develop diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. Obesity also promotes cancer. Traditional medicine can help people learn how to live in balance. When a person is in balance, the body heals itself. This article teaches the advantages of traditional healing in the modern world.
KW - balance;preventive medicine;obesity;plant medicines;American Indian healing
DO - 10.5667/tang.2014.0006
ER -
James David Adams Jr. (2014). What can traditional healing do for modern medicine. CELLMED, 4(2), 9-9.
James David Adams Jr. 2014, "What can traditional healing do for modern medicine", CELLMED, vol.4, no.2 pp.9-9. Available from: doi:10.5667/tang.2014.0006
James David Adams Jr "What can traditional healing do for modern medicine" CELLMED 4.2 pp.9-9 (2014) : 9.
James David Adams Jr. What can traditional healing do for modern medicine. 2014; 4(2), 9-9. Available from: doi:10.5667/tang.2014.0006
James David Adams Jr. "What can traditional healing do for modern medicine" CELLMED 4, no.2 (2014) : 9-9.doi: 10.5667/tang.2014.0006
James David Adams Jr. What can traditional healing do for modern medicine. CELLMED, 4(2), 9-9. doi: 10.5667/tang.2014.0006
James David Adams Jr. What can traditional healing do for modern medicine. CELLMED. 2014; 4(2) 9-9. doi: 10.5667/tang.2014.0006
James David Adams Jr. What can traditional healing do for modern medicine. 2014; 4(2), 9-9. Available from: doi:10.5667/tang.2014.0006
James David Adams Jr. "What can traditional healing do for modern medicine" CELLMED 4, no.2 (2014) : 9-9.doi: 10.5667/tang.2014.0006