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2014, Vol., No.16

Who Composed the Mahāyāna Scriptures?: The Mahāsāṃghikas and Vaitulya Scriptures
辛嶋静志 | 2014, (16) | pp.9~96 | number of Cited : 9
Puṇya-sūtra of the Ekottarikāgama in Comparison with the Fu-jing 福經 of the Chinese Madhyamāgama
CHUNG Jin-il | 2014, (16) | pp.97~121 | number of Cited : 2
Buddhist Societies or NGOs? : Focusing on ‘Engaged and NGO-type Movements’ of Modern East-Asian Buddhist Societies
Kim Sung Soon | 2014, (16) | pp.123~178 | number of Cited : 3