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2012, Vol., No.11

The Tridandi-sūtra and the two Lohitya-sūtras in the Gilgit Dīrghāgama manuscript
최진경 | 2012, (11) | pp.9~36 | number of Cited : 2
Inexpressibility and Buddhist Teaching with Reference to the Ultimate of the Yogācāra Buddhism
Ahn, Sungdoo | 2012, (11) | pp.39~80 | number of Cited : 3
Dharma Master Ji's Da yi zhang (Peking 8392) and the She lun zhang Fascicle 1 (Stein 2048) Copied in Sui Renshou 1 (601 C.E.) – Mingji and Zhining
池田 將則 | 2012, (11) | pp.81~144 | number of Cited : 1