Most of modern Buddhism researchers use the texts in Sinsu Tri-pitaka (新修大藏經 hear after, Sinsu) and Man Abhidharma sutras (卍續藏經 here after, Man) to study. The texts in Sinsu and Man, however, could not be complete. In order to study the more whole Buddhism, we should try to make sure of a perfect text in Buddhist data. I think that a way to make sure of the perfect text is the correction through the text of those old scrolls. I insist this point by use of the scroll Hwaeommunuiyogyeolmundap (華嚴文 義要决問答) edited by Pyowon (表員) in 8th century.
The variants of this scroll are as belows; a. Sato-bon (佐藤本) b. Enyakuji-bon (延曆寺本) c. Siseizon-bon, Todaiji (東大寺 四聖藏本) d. Ryukokudaigaku-bon (龍谷大本) e. Kyotodaigaku-bon (京都大本) f. Matsubarabunko-bon, Todaiji (東大寺 松原文庫本) Among them, Sato-bon (佐藤本) and Enyakuji-bon (延曆寺本) are the old scrolls of this book in Nara and Heian Periods. I corrected the Chinese characters in the texts of Hwaeomkyeongmunuiyogyeolmundab (華嚴經文 義要決問答) vol. 1. of Man through those of the old scrolls. The characters which I corrected by this correction as belows; First, The editor(s) of Man made a mistake of the character 圡, the old form of character 土, for the character 主. Therefore, They mistook 報土 for 報主 and 北土師 for 比主師. In the latter case, they mistook 北 for 比 in 北土師, too.
Second, They misidentified 全 for 令 in the text. Therefore they mistook the letter 全 in ‘爲椽令獨能作舍’ (p.329:b4-7), ‘若不令作’ (p.329:b10-11), ‘此多箇少不成一令舍’ (p.329:b12-14), ‘皆無有令執有令舍者無因有’ (p.329:b14 -15), ‘舍既令不成。 故知非小力並令成故’ (p.329:b15-16) for 令.
I could correct about 30 Chinese characters in vol. 1 of this scroll.
Arithmetically calculating, we can find 120 errors through the whole scrolls.
Of course, the old scrolls, also, has many errors. But through the correction by use of the old scrolls, we can acquire the more complete text.