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2018, Vol., No.23

Presidentialization and the Changes of the LDP Politics in Japan; Comparison between Koizumi and Abe
Seongjo Kim | 2018, (23) | pp.33~65 | number of Cited : 10
A Critical Review on Functions and Roles of Foreign Residents' Advisory Bodies in Japan : Focusing on the Case of Hamamatsu City
Choi Minkyung | 2018, (23) | pp.67~95 | number of Cited : 0
Forecast on N. Korea-Japan Normalization Talks and S. Korea's Corresponding Strategy: Focusing on the Settlement of Past History Issues
Euy Sang Yoo | 2018, (23) | pp.97~131 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on the Interpersonal Exchanges between Korea and Japan - Focusing on the Case Study of a Binational Camp of Korean and Japanese Highschool Students -
Suzuka FUKAHORI , Oh Taeheon | 2018, (23) | pp.133~158 | number of Cited : 1
Keidanen's Role in the Japanese Defense Policy Decision Process during the Post-Cold War
Oh, Dong-Ryong | 2018, (23) | pp.159~213 | number of Cited : 0
The Study of Nho “Uneme” and Rain-making Ritual
Hyeon wook Kim | 2018, (23) | pp.215~249 | number of Cited : 2
The Meaning of Nakasone Diplomacy in the Post-war Japan
CHOI HEESIK | 2018, (23) | pp.251~278 | number of Cited : 2