Obesity and climacteric symptom are affected by various cultural, social and psychological factors. This study is performed to recognize the
relationship between obesity, climacteric symptom, and other social and psychological factors such as self-esteem, depression, eating
attitude, stress response and social readjustment rating.
SRRS(social readjustment rating scale), SES(self-esteem scale), SRI(stress response inventory), BDI(Beck depression inventory), KEAT-26
(Korean Eating Attitude Test-26) and Kuperman index were given to 43 peri-menopausal women aged 45-55 and BMI ≥23. They were given
written consent and this study is performed under the permission of institutional review board of Kyung Hee East-west Neo Medical Center.
And height, body weight, waist circumference were measured. These variables were treated by correlation and regression analysis for
finding effect factors of climacteric symptom.
BMI and WC were not related to climacteric symptom. There were significant correlation between KEAT-26(r=0.4388, p=0.004), SES
(r=-0.4748, p=0.001), SRI(r=0.6941, p<0.001), BDI(r=0.6354, p<0.001) and Kuperman index. In multiple regression, SRI was find to be a
prediction factor of Kuperman index.(Kuperman index=19.033+0.7SRI(R²=0.490)).
Climacteric symptom is related to self-esteem, eating attitude, depression and stress response. And the most important prediction factor
of climacteric symptom is stress response. So managing of stress response may be essential to treating climacteric syndrome. And it is
necessary to study about climacteric symptom with many other effective factors of various peri-menopausal subjects.