Objectives After organizing segmentations related to obesity from classics and each studies, we would like to examine the value of wild ginseng, bovis calculus, ursi fel and moschus as a obesity medicine.
Methods We found out 4 drugs which are wild ginseng, bovis calculus, ursi fel and moschus from the classics, such as 「Shin-Nong-Bon-Cho-Kyung」, 「Myoung-Eui-Byul-Lok」, 「Bon-Cho-Gang-Mok」, 「Bon-Cho-Jong-Shin」, 「Bon-Cho-Bi-Yo」, 「Bon-Cho-Gu-Jin 」 and 「Deuk-Bae-Bon-Cho」, we searched websites such as RISS, Korean traditional knowledge portal, the society of Korean medicine for obesity research, Korean pharmacopuncture institute, the Korean academy of oriental rehabilitation medicine and Korean acupuncture & moxibustion society as well.
Results 1. We couldn’t find the contents related to the efficacy of improving obesity through wild ginseng, bovis calculus, ursi fel and moschus from the classics.
2. Wild ginseng had a study dealing with the efficacy of anticancer, obesity, toxicity, immunity, sulfation, diabetes, plasma proteins,depression, hypertension, endometriosis and hair loss. Especially among 6 studies related to obesity, apart from the study that treated extract of wild ginseng directly to the cell or oral administration to the animals, also have studies that had an efficacy of improving obesity through injecting pharmacopuncture to acupuncture point and vein, etc.
3. Bovis calculus had a study about efficacy related to arthritis, liver, inflammation of cornea, obesity, anticancer, immunity, antacid,heart, lumbar pain, hypertension, toxicity, a digestive organ and sasang constitution, especially in case of obesity, had each studies about oral administration of complex prescription and about cell unit experiment of pharmacopuncture.
4. Ursi fel had a study about efficacy related to liver, arthritis, inflammation of cornea, immunity, obesity, anticancer, antacid, lumbar pain, digestive organ, toxicity, cell protection, skin ailment, etc. Especially in case of obesity, had each studies about oral administration of animal experiment and about cell unit experiment of pharmacopuncture.
5. Moschus had a study about efficacy related to liver, the central nervous system, arthritis, inflammation of cornea, immunity,obesity, anticancer, hypertension, heart, lumbar pain, etc. Especially in case of obesity, had one study about oral administration of complex prescription.
Conclusion Through the result of probability as a obesity medicine of wild ginseng, bovis calculus, ursi fel and moschus, we could identify the possibility of each drug as a obesity medicine. Also in the future, it is considered that studies about one or complex prescription and pharmacopuncture as a obesity medicine will be needed.