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2020, Vol.10, No.1

An Empirical Analysis on Particulate Matter Risk Perception in Korea
Lee Jae Eun , Kwon Seol A , Lee, Woo-Kwon and 2 other persons | 2020, 10(1) | pp.1~14 | number of Cited : 1
Needs Assessment for Clinical Practice Education in Undergraduate Nursing Curriculum: A Mixed-methods Approach
Bae Jeong Yee , Hye-Ryoung Kim , Jina Oh and 4 other persons | 2020, 10(1) | pp.15~26 | number of Cited : 0
Examining the Impact of LID Practices on Mitigating Stormwater Runoff in a Repetitively Flooded Area
Hyun Woo Kim | 2020, 10(1) | pp.27~34 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the Legal Improvement for the Crisis Management of New-Infectious Diseases: Focused on the revision of the Act on the Prevention and Management of Infectious Diseases
Seon-Wook Kim , Kwon Seol A | 2020, 10(1) | pp.35~44 | number of Cited : 3
Comparative Analysis of Public Officials‘ Perceptions and Vulnerability Assessment with Citizens' Perceptions of Climate Change: Focused on Danyang-gun
CHOI HYERIM , Ban, Yong-un | 2020, 10(1) | pp.45~53 | number of Cited : 1