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2017, Vol.1, No.1

Professional instructors’ perceptions of education and their demand in well-dying education
Park A R Ma , Kim Moon Joon , Kim Yong-Ha and 9 other persons | 2017, 1(1) | pp.9~22 | number of Cited : 0
Relationships among Watching Behavior, Learning Flow, and Learning Achievement in a Video-based Learning Environment
Kim Minsun , Jeonghyun Kim , Il-Hyun Jo | 2017, 1(1) | pp.23~38 | number of Cited : 0
College Students’ Eye Strain Caused by Eye Health Behaviors
Sung Ji Park , Seul Gi Oh , Ji Sook Kang | 2017, 1(1) | pp.39~55 | number of Cited : 0
Effects of the Speech Therapy Program Based Augmented Reality on Improving Naming and Functional Communication Ability of the Patients with Expressive Aphasia
An, Sinwook , Geun-Hyo Kim , Hee-June Park and 1 other persons | 2017, 1(1) | pp.57~67 | number of Cited : 4
Effects of Exercise Programs on Cancer Patients: a Systematic Literature Review a Systematic Literature Review
Yi, Eun-Surk , Chun Sang-Wan , Kim, Jiyoun | 2017, 1(1) | pp.69~77 | number of Cited : 0