The Journal of Transdisciplinary Studies 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 0.22
pISSN : 2586-5439 / eISSN : 2713-7457
pISSN : 2586-5439 / eISSN : 2713-7457
Thesis Submission Regulations of the Convergence Research Association
Article 1 (Purpose of the Thesis Submission Regulations)
The purpose of these Regulations is to specify matters related to the submission of thesis to be included in the "Journal of the Convergence Research Association" (hereinafter, "the Journal") published by the Convergence Research Association (hereinafter, "the Association").
Article 2 (Submission of Thesis)
1. Qualification for submission shall be limited to regular members of the Convergence Research Association. In the case of other members or non-members, consent of the Editorial Committee is required. In case of special submission by a non-member, it may be recorded through the review process of the Editorial Committee of the Association (hereinafter, “the Committee”).
2. Submitted thesis shall be unpublished academic papers of theoretical and applied field of convergence areas and contribute to the development of convergence areas, and creativity shall be recognized.
3. When submitting a thesis, the thesis submission regulations shall be complied with and attached to the author's checklist (Example-1) presented in the prescribed form of the Association.
4. A member who submits a thesis shall first pay the review fee and publication fee prescribed by the Editorial Committee to the Association’s banking account.
1) If compliance with the submission is confirmed and a thesis is submitted for review, KRW 100,000 of the review fee and publication fee prescribed by the Editorial Committee shall be paid.
2) The actual expenses required for publication and photo disassembly shall be charged to the author of the correspondence, and the basic 20 pages shall be KRW 100,000, and the excess shall be KRW 5,000 per page.
3) Ten copies of each thesis shall be provided to the author, and if more than 10 copies are requested, each copy shall be provided at the rate of KRW 1,000 per copy.
5. If there are two or more researchers in the submitted thesis, the first listed author and the rest will be considered co-authors. In the process of submission and review of the thesis, the correspondent of the Editorial Committee shall be called the corresponding author and shall be indicated separately.
6. The publication order of theses shall be in the order of receipt, which may be adjusted by the Chairman of the Editorial Committee.
7. Responsibility for the content of the paper lies with the author, and the thesis shall not be returned. If the author of the paper is more than two persons, the first author shall be the author (first author) and the remaining author shall be the co-author. If the responsible author is not the corresponding author, the author shall be designated separately.
8. The copyright of a thesis that has already been published in the Journal or to be published in the future shall be reverted to the Association and shall be regarded as transferring the copyright of the thesis as a contribution of the thesis to the Association. In addition, there shall be no objection to matters already managed by the Association on the theses published in the previous Journals. If the publication of a thesis is confirmed, the copyright transfer consent form (Example-2) shall be submitted.
9. The number of submissions shall be limited to one per person. However, if one is not the main author (responsible author and corresponding author), he or she can publish up to two.
10. Whoever that submits thesis to the Association’s Journal shall observe the "Research Ethics Regulations of the Convergence Research Association". In addition, if a researcher's research misconduct is found, he or she may be subjected to the necessary disciplinary action in accordance with the Research Ethics Regulations of the Association. In addition, the submission shall be restricted to non–publishing materials.
1) All research ethics related matters such as the Ethics Regulations and plagiarism, duplicate publication, research misconduct, etc., shall be subject to the Research Ethics Regulations of the Convergence Research Association. In addition, review and handling procedures related to research ethics shall be conducted based on the International Standards for Publishing Ethics Guideline (
2) The handling of theses in which research misconducts have occurred shall be subject to the flowcharts of the Committee on Publication Ethics (
11. All theses submitted to the Journal of Convergence Research Association shall be checked for duplication with the existing published documents by conducting a similarity check ( (
Article 3 (Manuscript Preparation Instructions)
1. Thesis shall be written in Korean or English.
2. Thesis shall be prepared with a word processor (Shin Myung-jo) including references, figures and charts based on Korean papers at 11 points for font size, with a line spacing of 180, for the total of 20 pages in length. The Association may require reasonable costs for excess.
3. The thesis shall be submitted through the thesis submission system (
4. Manuscripts shall be submitted as a cover page and an underlining sheet for the fairness of review. The cover page of the paper shall contain the following elements. Title of the thesis (in Korean and English), Korean and English names of all authors, institutional affiliation and title (in Korean), e-mail address, and corresponding author’s indications (see Example-3).
5. In the title page of the thesis, the following shall be included, and the author and institutional affiliation shall not be indicated.
1) Thesis title in Korean and English
2) Abstract in Korean
3) Abstract in English
4) Keywords in Korean
5) Keywords in English (see Example-4)
6. Keywords shall be written in the alphabetical order of 5 or more and 6 or less each respectively, in Korean and English.
7. Abstract shall be 200-250 words including research purpose, research method, and conclusion.
8. The foreign language or language of foreign origin shall be written in the target language of translation or Korean according to the original language to the extent possible. However, the name of the foreigner shall not be written in Korean but written in foreign language.
9. The format of citations and references shall follow the legends.
10. The first abbreviation shall be abbreviated in parentheses.
11. Tables and figures shall be serialized and follow the following example (see Examples 5 and 6).
12. Manuscripts shall be prepared with a word processor (HWP or MS Word).
Article 4 (Journal Publication and Deadline for Manuscripts)
1. Submit manuscripts at all times throughout the year, and they are published twice a year (June 30th and December 31st).
2. The deadline for publication decision shall in principle be 30 days prior to the publication of each issue, however, the publication may be postponed after the next issue due to the editing circumstances of the Journal.
Enacted on December 13, 2017
1. Technical elements and form of the quotation
1.1 Author
1) Single author
(Roh Dong-Jo 2013)
2) Co-authors
(Cha Mi-Kyung and Pyo Soon-Hee 2008)
(Noh Young-Hee, Ahn In-Ja, and Choi Sang-Ki 2013)
(Heine and Hammamura 2007)
3) 4 authors or more
(Kwak Seung-Jin et al. 2013)
(Nicholas et al. 2014)
4) Group’s name
(Korea Library Association 2013)
(U.S. Office of Education 2010)
1.2 Publishing year
(Kim Yu-Seung 2014a)
(Kim Yu-Seung 2014b)
(Brooks 1983a)
(Brooks 1983b)
1.3 Number of pages and specific elements
(Park Ok-Nam 2014, 417)
(Atinmo 2002, 460)
(Pitemick 1984, 444; Lancaster 1986, 89; Bates 1989a)
2. Technical elements and format of the references
2.1 Publication in book
2.1.1 Author
1) Single author
Byeon Woo-Yeol. 2015. "Understanding Reading Education". Seoul: Korean Library Association.
Hawkins, Scott. 2015. The Library at Mount Char. New York: Crown.
2) Co-authors (for two or three persons)
Jung Dong-Yeol and Cho Chan-Shik. 2009. “Introduction to Library and Information Science”. Seoul: Korean Library Association.
Bawden, D. and Lyn Robinson. 2012. Introduction to Information Science. Chicago: Neal-Schuman Publishers.
3) Co-authors (4 persons or more)
Jung Jin-Shik and 3 persons. 2002. “Digital Library Information Service”. Seoul: Library Association.
4) Authors and writers, translators
Lee Sang-Woo, Ha Young-Seon. 1998. “Modern International Politics”. Seoul: Nanam Publishing.
Nan S., Russell. 2015. "Trust Corporation". Translated by Park Soo-Cheol. Seoul: Sigma Books.
Mohanraj, Mary Anne ed. 2015. The WisCon Chronicles, Vol.9: Intersections and Alliances. Seattle: Aqueduct Press.
2.2 Technical elements and formats of serial publications
2.2.1 Academic journal
Jung Eun-Kyung. 2012. “Analysis of Image Request and Context in Image Retrieval Failure”. Journal of Korean Biblia Society, 26(1): 199-215.
Chen, Ya-Ning and Hao-Ren Ke. 2013. "FRBRoo-based Approach to Heterogeneous Metadata Integration." Journal of Documentation, 69(5): 623-637.
Cho, Y., B. Mallinckrodt, and S. Yune. 2010. "Collective and Individulism as Bicultual Values: South Korea Undergraduates' Adjustment to College." Asian Journal of Counseling, 17(1&2): 81-104.
2.2.2 Popular magazines and newspapers
"Joongang Ilbo". 2013. Busan Youngdo Grand Bridge Restored in 47 years. "I wanted to see it so much." November 27th.
‘The Next Chairman Of Taiwan’. 2015. Time Magazine, June 29, .
Toufexis, A. 1990. Struggling for Sanity. Time, October 8: 14-48.
2.3 Technical elements and formats of unpublished materials
2.3.1 Dissertations for degrees
Lee Saeng-Dong. 2013. "A Study on Improvement System of Record Management System Based on Cloud Computing". Master’s Thesis. Myongji University Graduate School, Department of Library and Information Science.
Haley, Daniel Joseph. 2010. The use of print materials in the internet age: A comparative study of academic library circulation pattens. Ph. D. diss., University of California of Los Angeles at California.
2.3.2 Conference papers
Choi Ho-Nam. 1995. The Progress of the Digital Library in the US University Library and KAIST. "Science and Technology Information Management Council Seminar". June 21-22, 1996. Seoul: Science and Technology Information Management Council.
2.3.3 Technical reports and patent data
Korea Education and Research Information Service. 2014. "Research on ICT Literacy Level Measurement for Elementary and Middle School Students in 2014". Daegu: Korea Education and Research Information Service. Research report KR 2014-2.
Henderson. V. L. and C. S. Dweck. 1989. Predicting Individual Differences in School Anxiety in Early Adolescence. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 310 884.
U.S. Patent No. 5,228,119 (figures 27.6 through 27.11 herein)
2.4 Technical elements and formats of electronic references
2.4.1 Database
CONARIS. 1988. Library Regions in Profile. [cited 2001.8.20].
Bertot, John Carlo, Charles R. McClure, and Joe Ryan. 1998. Victorian Public Libraries and the Internet: Results and Issues [online]. [cited 2002.7.7].
2.4.2 Electronic serial publications
Brown, G. N. 1993. Borderline States: Incest and Adolescence. Journal of Analytical Psychology[CD-ROM], 38(1): 23-25. Abstract from Silver Platter File; Psyclit Item 80-25636.
Korean Medical Journal Editors' Council (MEC). 2003. Evaluation Status of Medical Journals. News of the Korean Medical Journal Editors' Association. 15:1 [online] [cited 2003.5.21]. <>.
2.4.3 Electronic bulletin board and electronic messages
Discussion on All Forms of Cinema [online]. [cited 1995.8.1].
Jericho’s Walls. 1990. In History Log9008 [electronic bulletin board] [S.L.] 27 August 1990.
Pritchard. S. 1995. Your Request for Information about ISO Standards. 18 February 1995. [cited 1995.3.3]. Personal Communication.