This is the study on the Christo (1935~)'s large scale projects which have the characters of public art. This study is the try of synthetic analysis that includes the content, form and the way to make a work. Christo paid his attention to the project that would wrap the public building in 1961. Since he realized one of the project for the wrapping of public building, he keft up doing the public works like wrapping of public buildings or the installing of large scale construction in the envirorunent.
That was the result from Christo's outlook on the art. He has had the belief that the works of art should be beyond the formalistic aesthetics or personal expression to link to the contemporary social reality. Therefore Christo has cho sen and wrapped the object which reflected the contemporary public concerns, then he has made the works that included the social reality.
He has wrapped the traditional museum, the historical monuments, the politi cal symbolic building or installed the construction at the politically symbolic place. These works brought in the doubt about the traditional concept of art, provoked the people to exam the modern life through the lesson from history and evoked the public attention to the political situation. The installing the construction like curtain, fence, umbrella in the natural envirorunent was to reflect the increasing concern about the ecology and natural envirorunent in the society and art world. And these were the metaphors of the nature and the !ifestyle of the people in it. That content is not the only element to make Christo's works public art, however. The way to make the work that use the social system is another element to make Christo's works public art. His process of making art has been far from the traditional way of making artworks which was the specialized work in the per sonal studio. Christo's process has consisted of administrative procedure like envirorunental survey, various contracts, legal conflicts, the factory production of materials and management of labor. The funds for that procedure has been supplied by Christo himself through the CVJ coporation, this is to induce an enterprise managing system to the creation of artworks. Through this procedure, Christo has used the facilities and labors of that community, and through the fact the artwork has attracted the audience, the realized project has made secondary effect which returned economical profits to the community.
54 Like this, for using the social resouse for artmaking, Christo extended the con cept of artmaking to the social production. That aspect has been the essential element that has made Christo's works to relate to the non-artistic public and to be a part of real life.
Most of all, most important element is that the public participation is the ne cessit:y for the procedure. The communication with the public and their physical participation are the most 血portant part for the public art. In Christo's project, the public became the spontaneous participant to lead artmaking sharing the aesthetic experience with artist, instead to be a passive consumer.
In Christo's projects, the procedure related to the contemporary social, political, economical structure, and the reality of works linked to the current reality. Christo,s projects were public not because that works were in the public place but because those were based on the context of public life and social structure. Christo's projects provided new concept for the condition of making art public. Therefore, Christo's public art projects can be evaluated as an alternative proposal for the contemporary situation that the doubt about the established public art brings m, and the new groping is requested.