Attlee, James
/ 2003
/ Lisa, Gordon Matta-Clark: The Space Between
/ Nazraeli Press
Benjamin, Walter
/ 1999
/ The Arcades Project, (1927-1940)
/ Belknap Press
Bois, Yve-Alain
/ 1997
/ Formless: a User's Guide
/ The MIT Press
Breitweisser, Sabin
/ 1997
/ Reorganizing Structure by Drawing Through It: Zeichnung Bei Gordon Matta-Clark
/ Generali Foundation
Buck-Morss, Susan
/ 1991
/ Dialectics of Seeing: Walter Benjamin and the Arcades Project
/ MIT Press
Debord, Guy
/ 1997
/ Society of the Spectacle
/ Black and Red
Diserens, Corinne
/ 2003
/ Gordon Matta-Clark
/ Phaidon
Fer,Briony 외
/ 2006
/ Transmission: The Art of Matta and Gordon Matta-Clark
/ San Diego Museum of Art
Finberg, Jonathan
/ 2003
/ Art Since 1940: Strategies of Being
/ Prentice Hall
Foster, Hal
/ 1996
/ The Return of the Real
/ The MIT Press
: 71~98
Foster, Hal
/ 1993
/ Compulsive Beauty
/ The MIT Press
: 157~192
Reiss, Julie H.
/ 2001
/ From Margin to Center: The Spaces of Installation Art
/ MIT Press
: 11,91,110~24,93,132
Kant, Immanuel
/ 2000
/ The Ciritique of Judgment, J. H. Bernard(trans.)
/ Prometheus Books
Kastner, Jeffrey
/ 2005
/ Revisiting Gordon Matta-Clark's Fake Estates
/ Cabinet Books
Karner, Dietrich
/ 1997
/ Reorganizing Structure By Drawing Through It: Zeichnung bei, Gordon Matta-Clark
/ Generali Foundation
Krauss, Rosalind
/ 1981
/ Passages in Modern Sculpture
/ The MIT Press
Merleau-Ponty. Maurice
/ 1989
/ The Phenomenology of Perception
/ Routledge, Kegan and Paul
Moure, Gloria
/ 2006
/ Gordon Matta-Clark: Works and Collected Writings
/ Ediciones Poligrafa
M. Lee, Pamela
/ 2001
/ Object To Be Destructed: The work of Gordon Matta-Clark
/ MIT Press
Solomon, Susan
/ 2000
/ Kahn's Trenton Jewish Community Center: Building Studies 6
/ Princeton Architectural Press
Sussman, Elisabeth
/ 2007
/ Gordon Matta Clark: You are the Measure, Whitney Museum Exhibition
/ Yale University
Vidler, Anthony
/ 1994
/ The Architectural Uncanny: Essays in the Modern Unhomely
/ MIT Press
Vidler, Anthoy
/ 2000
/ Warped Space: Art, Architecture, and Anxiety in Modern Culture
/ The MIP Press
기 드보르
/ 1996
/ 스펙타클의 사회
/ 현실문화연구
수잔 벅 모스
/ 1991
/ 발터 벤야민과 아케이드 프로젝트
/ 문학동네
발터 벤야민
/ 2005
/ 아케이드 프로젝트1,2
/ 새물결
/ 2003
/ 실재의 귀환
/ 경성대학교 출판부
: 125~158
제레미 러프킨
/ 1992
/ 엔트로피
/ 동아출판사
Benjamin, Walter
/ 1986
/ Surrealism: The Last Snapshot of the Revolution
/ Reflections
/ Schocken Books
: 35~52
Baudrillard, Jean
/ 1982
/ The Beaubourg -Effect: Implosion and Deterrence
/ October
: 3~13
Baynard, E. D.
/ 2006
/ Gordon Matta-Clark Air Apparent'
/ Modern Painters
: 80~83
Castle, T.
/ 2007
/ Reprint: Gordon Matta-Clark
/ Flash Art
: 86~89
Day, Gail
/ 1999
/ Allegory: Between Deconstruction and Dialectics
/ Oxford Art Journal
: 105~118
Fineman, Joel
/ 1980
/ The structure of Allegorical Desire
/ October
: 46~66
Freund, Sigmund
/ 1973
/ Uncanny
/ Standard Edition of the Compelete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud
/ the Horgarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis
: 217~252
Fried, Michael
/ 1967
/ Art and Objecthood
/ Minimal Art
/ University of California
: 1995~
Graham, Dan
/ 1993
/ Rock My Religion: Writings and Projects 1965-1990 in : Gordon Matta-Clark'
/ The MIT Press
: 194~205
Hetzler, Florence M.
/ 1988
/ Casuality: Ruin Time and Ruins
/ Leonardo
: 52~
/ 2005
/ Kimmelman, Michael.‘Inspiration From Real Estate Rejects', The New York Times, Semptember 9, 2005, pp. 12-14
Kim, Suh-Young
/ 2002
/ The Lacanian Subject and Benjamin Dialectical Image: The Death Drive, Desire and Memory
/ Doctor
/ University of Sheffield
Kirshner, Judith Russi
/ 1985
/ Non-uments
/ Artforum
: 102~108
Koplos, Janet
/ 1999
/ Gordon Matta-Clark at P.S. 1
/ Art in America
: 95~
Krauss, Rosalind
/ 1977
/ Note on the Index: Seventies Art in America
/ October
: 68~81
Krauss, Rosalind
/ 1977
/ Note on the Index: Seventies Art in America. Part 2
/ October
: 58~67
Krauss, Rosalind
/ 1979
/ Sculpture in the Expanded Field
/ October
: 30~44
Kwon, Miwon
/ 1997
/ One place After Another: Notes on Site Specificity
/ October
: 85~110
Le Feuvre, Lisa
/ 2002
/ The W-Hole Story positive case for the negative spaces in Gordon Matta-Clark's work
/ Art Monthly
: 12~17
Lee, Pamela M.
/ 1996
/ Object to be Destroyed
/ Doctor
/ Univeristy of Harvard
Lee, Pamela M.
/ 1998
/ On the Holes of History: Gordon Matta-Clark's Works in Paris
/ October
: 65~89
Mcdonough, Tom
/ 2007
/ Gordon Matta-Clark, Urban Planner?
/ Art in America
: 166~
Mcdonough, To.
/ 2007
/ How To Do Things With Buildings
/ Art in America
: 164,237~169
Morris, Robert
/ 1995
/ Minimal Art: a'Critical Anthology in : Note on the sculpture
/ University of California
: 232~233
Muschamp, H.
/ 1998
/ Gordon Matt-Clark
/ Artforum
: 13~18
Owens, Craing
/ 1980
/ The Allegorical Impulse: Toward a Theory of Postmodernism
/ October
: 67~86
Owens, Craing
/ 1980
/ The Allegorical Impulse: Toward a Theory of Postmodernism Part2
/ October
: 58~80
Pollock, Griselda
/ 2006
/ Psychoanalysis and the Image in : The Image in Psychoanalysis and the Archaeological Metaphor
/ Blackwell Publishing
/ 2004
/ City Slivers and Fresh Kills: The films of Gordon Matta-Clark in : Glancing Through Gaps
/ San Francisco Cinematheque
Shklovsky, Victor
/ 1965
/ Russian Formalist Criticism: Four Essays in : Art as Technique
: 3~24
Stiles, Kristine
/ 2004
/ Themes in Contemporary Art in : //Eye/Oculus: performance, installation and video
/ Yale University
: 183~229
Sudenburg, Erika
/ 2000
/ Space, Site, Intervention: Situating Installation Art in : Introduction: On Installation and Site Specificity
/ University of Minnesota Press
: 1~22
Vidler, Anthony
/ 2007
/ Gordon Matta-Clark
/ Artforum
: 364~365
Volk, Gregory
/ 1997
/ Gordon Matta-Clark at Lance Fung
/ Art in America
: 97~
Zalman, Sandra
/ 2005
/ The NON-U-MENT: Gordon Matta-Clark and the Contingency of Space
/ O
: 15~28
Wollheim, Richard
/ 1965
/ Minimal Art in : Minimal Art
/ University of California
: 387~399
Wood, Paul
/ 2004
/ Themes in Contemporary Art in : Inside the whale: an introduction to postmodernist art
/ Yale University
: 183~229
지그문트 프로이트
/ 2005
/ 두려운 낯설음
/ 예술 문학 정신 분석
: 399~466
/ 1986
/ Colin Rowe의 현상적 투명성에 대한 분석: 건축의 지각적 이해와 면의 중합에 관한 연구
/ 대한건축학회논문집
: 57~64
/ 1973
/ 고든 마타-클락(Gordon Matta-Clark), <쪼개기(Splitting)>
/ 1969
/ 좌: 로버트 스미슨(Robert Smithson), <부분적으로 묻힌 오두막(Partially Buried Woodshed)>
/ 1971
/ 우: 고든 마타-클락(Gordon Matta-Clark), <체리 나무(Cherry Tree)>
/ 1951
/ 좌: 마이에스 반 데 로헤(Miies Van Der Rohe), <프란스워드(Fransworth)>
/ 1974
/ 우: 고든 마타-클락(Gordon Matta-Clark), <Bingo(빙고)>
/ 1959
/ 좌: 루이스 칸(Louis Kahn), <유대인 공동회관(Jewish Community Center)>
/ 1973
/ 우: 고든 마타-클락(Gordon Matta-Clark), <더블유 홀 하우스(W-Hole House)>
/ 1957
/ 좌: 로베르토 마타(Roberto Matta), <생각할 수 없는(Unthinkable)>
/ 1973
/ 우: 고든 마타-클락(Gordon Matta-Clark), <더블유 홀 하우스(W-Hole House)>의 드로잉
/ 1973
/ 고든 마타-클락(Gordon Matta-Clark), <더블유 홀 하우스(W-Hole House)>의 외부와 내부
/ 1975
/ 고든 마타-클락(Gordon Matta-Clark), <하루의 끝(Day's End)>의 외부와 내부
/ 1973
/ 위: 고든 마타-클락(Gordon Matta-Clark), <더블유 홀 하우스(W-Hole House)>의 내부
/ 1962
/ 아래: 토니 스미스(Tony Smith), <죽다(Die)>의 전시 내부 광경
/ 1978
/ 고든 마타-클락(Gordon Matta-Clark), <서커스(Circus)>의 도면과 내부
/ 1976
/ 고든 마타-클락(Gordon Matta-Clark), <원뿔형으로 가로지르기(Conical Intersect)>의 내부
/ 1925
/ 좌: 르 꼬르뷔지에(Le Corbusier), <파리 이웃 계획(Plan Voisin Pour Paris>
/ 2001
/ 우: 세계 무역 센터(World Trade Center)
/ 아나키텍쳐(Anarchitecture)멤버들이 수집한 사진들(년도 미상)
/ 1976
/ 고든 마타-클락(Gordon Matta-Clark), <원뿔형으로 가로지르기(Conical Intersect)>외부 및 작업 광경
/ 1974
/ 하늘에서 Les Halles 을 바라본 광경
/ 1976
/ 고든 마타-클락(Gordon Matta-Clark), <원뿔형으로 가로지르기(Conical Intersect)>, 내부에서 바깥을 바라본 광경