A.N. 윌슨
/ 2005
/ 런던의 짧은 역사
/ 을유문화사
S.K. 틸야드
/ 1996
/ 모더니즘의 충격
/ 조형사
/ 2002
/ 경계없는 현대미술
/ 숙명여자대학교 출판국
레이먼드 윌리엄스
/ 1988
/ 사회와 문화
/ 이화여자대학교 출판부
아론 샤프
/ 1992
/ 미술과 사진
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/ 2006
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/ 고려 대학교출판부
/ 2000
/ 영국 노동계급의 형성
/ 창작과 비평사
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/ 1884
/ 산업과 제국
/ 한벗
/ 2005
/ 빅토리아의 비밀
/ 한길아트
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/ 2006
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/ 동문선
/ 2001
/ 영국문학과 사회
/ 우용출판사
/ 2002
/ 오페라 거리의 화가들:시민사회와 19세기 프랑스 회화
/ 효형출판
/ 2006
/ 모더니즘의 영화미학
/ 제이앤북(jnBook)
케네스 모건
/ 2006
/ 옥스퍼드 영국사
/ 한울
/ 2002
/ 라파엘전파
/ 예경
/ 2004
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/ 영국사학회
/ 2007
/ Sickert: Paintings and Drawings (Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in Britis)
/ Yale University Press
/ 1985
/ Portraits of the Artist : The Self Portrait in Painting
/ Rizzoli
Compton, Susan
/ 1987
/ British Art in the 20th Century : The Modern Movement , Royal Academy of Arts, Lodon, 15 January-5 April 1987
Bromberg, Ruth
/ 2000
/ Walter Sickert: Prints : A Catalogue Raisonne
/ Yale University Press
Causey, Andrew
/ 1987
/ The Modern in British Art , in 20th-Century British Art
/ Art & Design
Connett, Maureen
/ 1995
/ Walter Sickert and the Camden Town Group
/ David & Charles UK
Corbett, D.P
/ 2000
/ English art 1860-1914 : Moden artist and identity
/ Manchester University Press
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/ 2001
/ Walter Sickert
/ Princeton University Press
Dixon, Andrew
/ 1996
/ A History of British Art
/ BBC Books
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/ 1941
/ The Life and Opnioins of Walter Sickert
/ London
Harrison, Charles
/ 1986
/ Critical Theories and the Practice of Art , in British Art in the 20th Century
/ Prestel-Verlag
Herrmann, Luke
/ 2000
/ Nineteenth Century British Painting
/ Giles de La Mare
Hume, E.D. Johnson
/ 1986
/ Paintings of the British social scene: from Hogarth to Sickert
/ Rizzoli
Hyman, James
/ 2001
/ The Battle for Realism: Figurative Art in Britain During the Cold War, 1945- 60
/ Yale University Press
Johnes, Stedman
/ 1983
/ Working -Class Culture and Working -Class Polities in Lodon, 1870- 1900: Notes on the Remaking of Working Class’ in Language of class: studies in English working class history 1832-1982
/ Cambridge
Jonathan Crary
/ 2001
/ Suspensions of Perception: Attention, Spectacle, and Modern Culture
/ MIT Press
Lilly, Marjorie
/ 1973
/ Sickert: The painter and his circle
/ Lilly, Marjorie, Sickert: The painter and his circle, Noyes Press
Mason, Michael
/ 1994
/ The Making of Victorian Sexuality
/ Oxford University Press
/ 1996
/ An Economic and Social history of Britain 1760-1970
/ Longman Publishing Group
Robins,Anna Gruetzner
/ 2008
/ A Fragile Modernism:Whistler and His Impressionist Followers
/ Yale University Press
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/ 2006
/ Degas , Sickert and Toulouse-Lautrec: London and Paris 1870 -1910
/ Tate Publishing
Robins,Anna Gruetzner
/ 1996
/ Walter Sickert: Drawings: Theory and Practice : Word and Image
/ Scolar Press
/ 1948
/ From Sickert to 1948: The achievement of the Contemporary Art Society
/ Humphries
/ 1977
/ The Arts Council of Great Britain , 105
/ The Arts Council of Great Britain
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/ 2002
/ Walter Sickert: The Complete Writings on Art
/ Oxford University Press
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/ 1981
/ Late Sickert: Paintings 1927 to 1942
/ Arts Council of Great Britain
Sidlauskas, Susan
/ 2000
/ Body , Place, and Self in Nineteenth-Century Painting
/ Cambridge University Press
Smith, Edward
/ 1988
/ The Story of British Modernisim , in The New British Painting
/ Phaidon
/ 2007
/ Walter Sickert: A Life
/ Trafalgar Square
Summerfield, Penny
/ 1986
/ Imperialism and popular culture
/ Manchester
Sutton, Denys
/ 1976
/ Walter Sickert: A biography
/ Michael Joseph Ltd
/ 2000
/ Modern Life and Modern subjects -British art in the early twentieth century
/ Paul Mellon Center BA
Wilenski, R.H
/ 1944
/ Faber and Faber Ltd 24 Russell Square
/ The Shenval Press
Young, James D
/ 1989
/ Socaialism and the English Working Class
/ Longman Higher Education
/ 2004
/ Dating Sickert’s paintings of the New Bedford, Camden Town
/ Burlington magazine
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/ 2001
/ Sickert addenda(Walter Sickert, print)
/ Print Quarterly
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Charles Harrison
/ 1999
/ Englishness and Modernism revisited
/ Modernisim Modernity
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/ 1998
/ Walter Sickert Drawing: Theory and practice: Word and image
/ Art History Oxford
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/ 1998
/ ‘Gross Material Facts’: Sexuality, identity and the city in Walter Sickert, 1905- 1910
/ Art History Oxford
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/ 2000
/ Seeing into modernity: Walter Sickert’s music hall scenes, c.1887-1907, and English modernism
/ Modernism Modernity
: 285~306
/ 2002
/ Press art:The late oeuvre of Walter Richard Sickert
/ Apollo-The International magazine of art and antiques
: 30~35
Daniels, Rebecca
/ 2008
/ Walter Richard Sickert’s Echoes from the‘ London Journal’
/ Burlington Magazine
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Daniels, Rebecca
/ 2006
/ Newly discovered photographic sources for Walter Sickert’s theatre painting of the 1930s
/ Burlington Magazine
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/ 1991
/ Looking at art: Miss Earhart’s arrival
/ ARTnews
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/ 1971
/ Sickert’s Use of Photography
/ Burlington Magazine
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/ 1998
/ Lessons from Sickert: How the painter used light
/ The Artist
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/ 2008
/ Walter Sickert: The Camden Town Nudes:’ Courtauld Gallery, London (and) ‘Modern Painters: The Camden Town Group’: Tate Britain, London (Exhibit)
/ British Art Journal
: 89~90
/ 1998
/ James Mcneill Whister: Walter Richard Sickert
/ Burlington magazine
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/ 2008
/ Sickert: The Independent’s Great art series
/ Independent art , Friday, 22th February 2008
McKibbin, Ross
/ 1984
/ Why was there on Marxism in Great Britain
/ The English Historical Review
: 297~331
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/ 2008
/ Poets of the metropolis (Exhibit)
/ Apollo-The International magazine of art and antiques
: 88~89
Robins, Anna Gruetzner
/ 2006
/ Some newly discovered sketches by Walter Sickert of Gatti’s Hungerford Palace of Varieties
/ The Burlington magazine
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Robins, Anna Gruetzner
/ 1998
/ Walter Sickert Drawings: Theory and Practice: Word and Image
/ Art History Oxford
: 619~620
Robins, Anna Gruetzner
/ 1988
/ Degas and Sickert: Notes on their Friendship
/ Burlington Magazine
: 225~229
Watney, S
/ 2004
/ Walter Sickert’ The human canvas
/ Burlington magazine
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