린다 야브론스키
/ 2008
/ 아니쉬 카푸어에게 푹 빠지다: 그 본질에 대한 하나의 통찰, In Anish Kapoor
/ 국제갤러리
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/ 2010
/ 숭고와 미의 근원을 찾아서
/ 한길사
/ 2008
/ 칸트의 미학이론에 있어서 숭고의 개념
/ 학술원논문집 (인문, 사회과학편)
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/ 2009
/ 판단력 비판
/ 박영사
/ 2005
/ 욕망, 죽음 그리고 아름다움
/ 아트북스
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/ 2009
/ To Fathom the Abyss, In Anish Kapoor
/ Phaidon
Baudinet, Raya
/ 2005
/ Anish Kapoor
/ Art Press
Baume, Nicholas
/ 2008
/ Anish Kapoor: Past, Present, Future
/ MIT Press
Bhaba, Homi K.
/ 2011
/ Anish Kapoor
/ Flammarion et Cie
Bickers, Patricia
/ 2007
/ Talking Art: Interviews with Artists Since 1976
/ Ridinghouse
Bracewell, Michael
/ 2011
/ Material Means: An ‘Introduction to the art of Anish Kapoor’, In Anish Kapoor: Flashback
/ Hayward Publishing
Burke, Edmund
/ 1990
/ A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful
/ Oxford University Press
Burton, Johanna
/ 2009
/ Namely, What is Called Love, In Anish Kapoor
/ Phaidon
Castro, Jan Garden
/ 2010
/ Anish Kapoor ate the Guggenheim, The Dimensions of Memory
/ Sculpture
Castro, Jan Garden
/ 2007
/ New York: Anish Kapoor: Rockefeller Plaza
/ Sculpture
Causey, Andrew
/ 1998
/ Sculpture Since 1945
/ Oxford University Press
Celant, Germano
/ 1996
/ Anish Kapoor
/ Edizioni Charta
Cole, Ina
/ 2010
/ Anish Kapoor: Transcending the Object
/ Sculpture
Cole, Ina
/ 2007
/ Modern Sublime: A Conversation with Anish Kapoor
/ Sculpture
Crone, Rainer
/ 2008
/ Anish Kapoor
/ Prestel
Eliot, Charles W.
/ 1976
/ Edmund Burke
/ P. F. Collier & Son Corportaiton
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/ 1995
/ The Matrixial Gaze
/ University of Leeds
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/ 1953
/ The Uncanny, In The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, VII
/ The Horgarth Press
Fried, Michael
/ 1995
/ Art and Objecthood, In Minimal Art: A Critical Anthology
/ University of California Press
Gaché, Sherry
/ 1996
/ Interview with Anish Kapoor
/ Sculpture
Gaskell, Ivan
/ 2008
/ Anish Kapoor
/ ArtUS
Gayford, Martin
/ 1988
/ Martin Gayford with Anish Kappor: A Sculpture full of Emptiness, Looking In
/ Modern Painters
: 98~100
Glanz, Alexandra
/ 2003
/ Anish Kapoor: Tate Modern
/ Sculpture
Grande, John K.
/ 2004
/ Balance, Art and Nature
/ Black Rose Books
Grande, John K..
/ Anish Kappor: Presence and Absence, In Balance: Art and Nature
/ Black Rose Books
Hayden, Malin Hedlin
/ 2003
/ Out of Minimailism: The Referential Cube. Contextualising Sculptures by Antony Gormely, Anish Kapoor and Rachel Whiteread
/ 박사
/ Uppsala University
Jones, Caroline A..
/ 2008
/ Anish Kapoor: Institue of Contemporary Art, Boston
/ Artforum
Kapoor, Anish
/ 2001
/ Interview with Anish Kapoor. Kula Peyton-Jones and Hans Ulrich Obrist, In Anish Kapoor: Turning the World Upside Down
/ Koeing books
Kristeva, Julia
/ 1982
/ Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection , trans. Leon S. Roudiez
/ Columbia University Press
Leydier, Richard
/ 2011
/ Anish Kapoor, Waiting for Leviathan
/ Art Press
Lindbergh, Peter
/ 2011
/ Anish Kapoor Monumenta 2011
/ Centre nationades arts plastiques
Longinus, Cassius
/ 1975
/ On the Sublime, In Classical Literary Criticism
/ William Heinemann Ltd
Luke, Ben
/ 2011
/ Upside Down: Anish Kapoor at Monumenta
/ Art Newspaper
Lyotard, Jean-Francois
/ 1984
/ The Sublime and the Avant-Garde
/ Artforum International
McEvilley, Thomas
/ 1999
/ Anish Kappor: The Darkness Innside a Stone, In Sculpture in the Age of Doubt
/ Allworth Press
Mercurio, Gianni
/ 2011
/ The Turning Point of Sculpture, In Dirty Corner
/ Skira
Milliard, Coline
/ 2009
/ Anish Kapoor: Royal Academy of Arts
/ Art Press
Pincus-Witten, Robert
/ 1977
/ Postminimalism
/ Out of London Press
Poddar, Sandhini
/ 2009
/ Anish Kapoor: Memory
/ Deutsche Guggenheim
Renton, Andrew
/ 2011
/ Anish Kapoor in Conversation with Andrew Renton, In Anish Kapoor: Flashback
/ Hayward Publishing
Rosenthal, Norman C.
/ 2009
/ Svayambh, In Anish Kapoor
/ Royal Academy of Arts
Sandler, Irving
/ 1998
/ Art of the Postmodern Era: From the Late 1960s to the Earty 1990s
/ Westvie Press
Schneider, Eckhard
/ 2003
/ Anish Kapoor: My Red Homeland
/ Kunsthaus Bregenz
Singh, Raghubir
/ 2000
/ River of Colour: The India of Raghubir Singh
/ Phaidon
Tansini, Laura
/ 2001
/ Anish Kapoor: Lisson Gallery
/ Sculpture
Temin, Christine
/ 2009
/ Anish Kapoor: Institure of Contemporary Ar
/ Sculpture
Vetrocq, Marcia E.
/ 1997
/ The 1997 Venice Biennale: A Space Odyssey
/ Art in America
Vidler, Anthony
/ 1992
/ The Architectural Uncanny: Essays in the Modern Unhomely
/ MIT Press
Vidler, Anthony
/ 2004
/ Reflections on Whiteout: Anish Kapoor at Barbara Gladstone, In Anish Kapoor: Whiteout
/ Edizioni Charta
Winkel, Camiel Van
/ 2009
/ On the Sublime in the Work of Anish Kapoor, In Anish Kapoor
/ Royal Academy of Arts