/ 2020
/ 건축표기체계: 상상, 도면, 건물이 서로를 지시하는 방식
/ 아키텍스트
니콜라우스 페브스너
/ 2013
/ 모던 디자인의 선구자들: 윌리엄 모리스에서 발터 그로피우스까지
/ 비즈앤비즈
루이스 멈퍼드
/ 2013
/ 기술과 문명
/ 책세상
르 코르뷔지에
/ 2002
/ 건축을 향하여
/ 동녘
르 코르뷔지에
/ 2004
/ 프레시지옹 : 건축과 도시계획의 현재 상태에 관한 상세한 설명
/ 동녘
르 코르뷔지에
/ 2007
/ 오늘날의 장식예술
/ 동녘
르 코르뷔지에
/ 2016
/ 모듈러 I
/ 씨아이알
마르틴 하이데거
/ 2008
/ 강연과 논문 (마르틴 하이데거)
/ 이학사
아돌프 로스
/ 2018
/ 장식과 범죄
/ 미디어버스
/ 2020
/ 르코르뷔지에 : 건축을 시로 만든 예술가
/ 아르테
자크 뤼캉
/ 2006
/ 프랑스 현대 건축의 역사와 이론(1940-2000)
/ 시공문화사
케네스 프램튼
/ 2017
/ 현대 건축 : 비판적 역사
/ 마티
폴 발레리
/ 2016
/ 레오나르도 다빈치 방법 입문
/ 이모션북스
/ 2019
/ 플라톤 전집 V: 테아이테토스, 필레보스, 티마이오스, 크리티아스, 파르메니데스 플라톤의 다섯 대화편
/ 숲
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/ 2000
/ Das Standbild, Die Malkunst, Grundlagen der Malerei
/ Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft
: 193~333
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/ 1958
/ Creativity and Intelligibility in Le Corbusier’s Chapel at Ronchamp
/ The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism
: 293~305
/ 1987
/ Aristoteles’ Physik: Vorlesung über Natur
/ Meiner Verlag
Banham, Reyner
/ 1966
/ The New Brutalism : Ethic or Aesthetic
/ Reinhold Publishing
Barsac, Jacques
/ 1992
/ Le Corbusier par lui-même, 3 VHS
/ CIST, INA, Gaumont, Fondation Le Corbusier
Barr Jr, Alfred H.
/ 1934
/ Machine Art
/ Museum of Modern Art
Cohen, Jean-Louis
/ 2013
/ Le Corbusier : An Atlas of Modern Landscapes
/ Thames &Hudson
Benton, Tim
/ 2013
/ Le Corbusier: An Atlas of Modern Architecture
/ Thames & Hudson
: 163~167
Benton, Tim
/ 2013
/ LC Foto : Le Corbusier Secret Photographer
/ Lars Müller Publishers
Blumenberg, Hans
/ 2001
/ Ästhetische und metaphorologische Schriften
/ Suhrkamp
Broeckmann, Andreas
/ 2016
/ Machine Art in the Twentieth Century
/ MIT Press
Cohen, Jean-Louis
/ 2013
/ Le Corbusier : An Atlas of Modern Architecture
/ Thames and Hudson
Evans, Robin
/ 1995
/ The Projective Cast : Architecture and Its Three Geometries
/ MIT Press
Faugeron, Jean
/ 1967
/ Réalisaion et projets
/ revue d’art mensuelle
: 32~39
Giedion, Sigfried
/ 1956
/ Architektur und Gemeinschaft
/ Rowohlt
Hervé, Lucien
/ 1970
/ Le Corbusier : The Artist The Writer
/ Editions du Griffon
Hitchcock, Henry-Russell
/ 1935
/ Le Corbusier
/ Museum of Modern Art
Hitchcock, Henry-Russell
/ 1968
/ Modern Architecture-A Memoir
/ Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians
: 227~233
itchcock, Henry-Russell
/ 1966
/ The International Style
/ W. W. Norton & Company
Jarron, Matthew
/ 2014
/ A Sketch of the Universe: D’arcy Thompson’s On Growth and Form
/ Essays on Sculpture
: 5~13
Kanton, Sybil Gordon
/ 2002
/ Alfred H. Barr, Jr. and the Intellectual Origins of the Museum of Modern Art
/ MIT Press
Kellerer, Christian
/ 1968
/ Objet trouvé und Surrealismus: zur Psychologie der modernen Kunst
/ Rowohlt
Laugier, Marc-Antoine
/ 2009
/ An Essay on Architecture
/ Hennessey & Ingalls
Le Corbusier
/ 1957
/ Ronchamp
/ Verlag Gerd Hatje
Le Corbusier
/ 1962
/ An die Studenten Die “Charte d’Athènes,”
/ Rowholt
Le Corbusier
/ 1967
/ Radiant City
/ Orion Press
Le Corbusier
/ 1951
/ Le Corbusier Parle...1951
/ Twentieth Century Architecture
: 8~10
Lucan, Jacques
/ 1987
/ Le Corbusier: une encyclopédie
/ Centre Georges Pompidou
Lynn, Greg
/ 1998
/ Animate Form
/ Princeton Architectural Press
Maak, Niklas
/ 2010
/ Der Architekt am Strand : Le Corbusier und das Geheimnis der Seeschnecke
/ Carl Hanser Verlag
Maak, Niklas
/ 2013
/ Le Corbusier: An Atlas of Modern Architecture
/ Thames and Hudson
: 168~172
Moos, Stanislaus von
/ 2009
/ Le Corbusier: Elements of a Synthesis
/ 010 Publischers
Pauly, Danièle
/ 2008
/ Le Corbusier: the Chapel at Ronchamp
/ Birkhäuser
Pauly, Danièle
/ 2018
/ Le Corbusie. Le Corbusier: Drawing as Process
/ Yale University Press
Payne, Alina
/ 2012
/ Alina. From Ornament to Object: Genealogies of Architectural Modernism
/ Yale University Press
Pezolet, Nicola
/ 2013
/ Spectacles Plastiques: Reconstruction and the Debates on the “Synthesis of the Arts” in France, 1944-1962
Rykwert, Joseph
/ 1981
/ On Adam’s House in Paradise : the Idea of the primitive Hut in Architectural History, Cambridge
/ MIT Press
Sedlmayr, Hans. Verlust der Mitte : Die bildende Kunst des 19
/ 1948
/ und 20
/ Otto Müller Verlag
Stirling, James
/ 1956
/ Le Corbusier’s Chapel and the Crisis of Rationalism
/ Architectural Review
: 155~161
Stirling, James
/ 1953
/ Garches to Jaoul: Le Corbusier as Domestic Architect in 1927 and 1953
/ The Architectural Review
: 145~151
Thompson, D’arcy W.
/ 1992
/ On Growth and Form
/ Dover
Valéry, Paul
/ 1990
/ Eupalinos oder Der Architekt
/ Suhrkamp
Weber, Nicholas Fox.
/ 2008
/ Le Corbusier: A Life
/ Alfred A. Knopf