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Non-human Thought and the Reconstruction of Relationships: “The Moment of Transition” in the Works of Hyewon Kwon

  • Journal of History of Modern Art
  • 2023, (53), pp.75-99
  • Publisher : 현대미술사학회
  • Research Area : Arts and Kinesiology > Art > Arts in general > Art History
  • Received : May 2, 2023
  • Accepted : June 5, 2023
  • Published : June 30, 2023

Moon-Jung Lee 1




This paper analyzes the works of Hyewon Kwon, focusing on the artist’s critical reflections on human desire and civilization, recognition of diversity and relativity, and reconstruction of relationships through non-human thought to determine artistic and sociocultural meaning, employing the ecological theories of Donna J. Haraway and the discussions of Luce Irigaray and Michael Marder on plants. Kwon explores the duality of society's pursuit of uniformity by recovering memories of beings separated from human society and exiled or pushed aside. By tracing garbage, which is considered worthless, and plastics, which are evidence of the Anthropocene epoch, Kwon infers the past, present, and future of civilization. Furthermore, by introducing objects that are outside of human norms and logic, and cannot be fully recognized, Kwon reveals the diversity and uncertainty of the world, reminding us of the interweaving relationships between humans, nature, and non-humans. Finally, the artist attempts a multispecies “becoming-with”, amid this web-like world, through a self-reflective thought experiment in which humans perceive themselves from the perspectives of non-human others. This paper considers fundamental questions regarding our existence in the world and the aesthetics of a new coexistence as explored in Kwon’s work.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.