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Walking as a Layer of Relations: A Study on Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller’s Walks Series

  • Journal of History of Modern Art
  • 2023, (53), pp.153-175
  • Publisher : 현대미술사학회
  • Research Area : Arts and Kinesiology > Art > Arts in general > Art History
  • Received : May 2, 2023
  • Accepted : June 5, 2023
  • Published : June 30, 2023

Min, Kyungso 1




This article analyzes the ways in which Canadian artists Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller expand the physical and psychological environment encountered during the everyday practice of walking on stage for constructing multiple relationships in their collaborative video Walks. As an immersive walking experience employing binaural sound recording technology and hand-held media players, video Walks prompts participants’ active self-exploration and reflection on the world as community members through a media screen that overlaps the artist-narrator’s past with the walker-spectators’ present. In order to understand how Cardiff and Miller’s audiovisual media-based participatory project experiments on the mechanism in which contemporary spectators negotiate their positions within contemporary sociocultural topography and fashion their association with specific communities and the world, this article first defines the artists’ manipulation of video screens as a practice of layering. It then examines how video Walks transforms the spectator in a moving theater into a postmodern subject who enthusiastically discovers what is audible (inaudible), what is visible (invisible), and what is readable (unreadable) and, thus, produces new relational spaces. Ultimately, this article argues that the highly quotidian practice of walking establishes a performative site that enables the spectator to reconstruct both intimacy and distance with others and the world.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.