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2006, Vol.14, No.2

Development of Curriculums for Training Elderly Dementia Occupational Therapists
이재신 , 이충휘 , 정민예 and 3 other persons | 2006, 14(2) | pp.1~12 | number of Cited : 3
The Effects of Postural Control on ADL, Muscle Tone, Performance Function of Upper Extremity in Chronic Stroke Patients
Park, ChangSik , 안승헌 | 2006, 14(2) | pp.13~25 | number of Cited : 8
The Effects of Choice-making Through Highly Structured Setting for Autistic Disorder Middle Students
윤현숙 | 2006, 14(2) | pp.26~38 | number of Cited : 9
The Effects of Implementation of Multisensory Environments (Snoezelen) on the Emotional State of College Students
이지연 , 유은영 | 2006, 14(2) | pp.39~47 | number of Cited : 7
The Comparison of Cortical Activation Pattern According to Brain Lesion in Stroke Patients with Focal Infarction
권용현 , 박지원 | 2006, 14(2) | pp.49~58 | number of Cited : 0
Analysis of Ipsilateral Motor Deficits During Serial Reaction Time Task in Hemiplegia
최진호 , 박지원 | 2006, 14(2) | pp.59~68 | number of Cited : 0
The Relationship with Motor Praxis and Visual Perception of Elementary School Student
김덕주 , Kyeong-Mi Kim , 권기옥 and 2 other persons | 2006, 14(2) | pp.69~79 | number of Cited : 10
Need on Home-Based Occupational Therapy of Family Caregivers with CVA Patients
최혜숙 | 2006, 14(2) | pp.81~93 | number of Cited : 9
Development of Curriculums for Training Elderly Dementia Occupational Therapists
정원미 , 이재신 | 2006, 14(2) | pp.95~104 | number of Cited : 28