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2010, Vol.18, No.3

The History and Current State of Psychiatric Occupational Therapy in Japan
Hiroshi Yamane, Ph.D., O.T.R | 2010, 18(3) | pp.1~10 | number of Cited : 2
Pilot Study for the Standardization of a Korean Version of the Developmental Profile III (K-DPⅢ)
Cha Yu Jin , Kim Se Yun , Woo, Hee-soon and 4 other persons | 2010, 18(3) | pp.11~21 | number of Cited : 8
Introduction of Home Rehabilitation Services in Long-term Care Insurance System for the Elderly
Kim Hee Jung , Key Hyo Lee , Lee Jaeshin | 2010, 18(3) | pp.23~35 | number of Cited : 14
Study of Play and Leisure Participation (Out of School Activities) in Children and Young Adults
Kiyeon Chang , Ryu, An-Na | 2010, 18(3) | pp.37~51 | number of Cited : 15
A Survey on the Status of Supporting Center for Special Education and School based Occupational Therapy
Kim Se Yun , 김지연 | 2010, 18(3) | pp.53~67 | number of Cited : 18
A Comparison of Sensory Processing Skills in Children With Developmental Disabilities
kim jin kyung , Taekyoung Lee | 2010, 18(3) | pp.69~81 | number of Cited : 11
Research on the State of Adaptive Seating Devices for Children With Cerebral Palsy and Parent Satisfaction
Jeong, Ji-Sim , Moonyoung Chang , 황기철 and 1 other persons | 2010, 18(3) | pp.83~102 | number of Cited : 24
Development of the Korean Activity Card Sort
이상헌 , 유은영 , MINYE JUNG and 3 other persons | 2010, 18(3) | pp.103~117 | number of Cited : 20
Occupational Therapy Evaluation and Intervention in Patients with Möbius Syndrome: A Case Report
Ha, Mi-Young , Taekyoung Lee , 임성오 | 2010, 18(3) | pp.119~130 | number of Cited : 0