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Translation and Reliability Study of Korean Version of the Seated Postural Control Measure

김진수 1 MINYE JUNG 2 Ji-Hyuk Park 2 Park Soo Hyun ORD ID 3 yang 4

1연세대학교 대학원 작업치료학과
2연세대학교 보건과학대학 작업치료학과
3연세대학교 문과대학 심리학과



Objective : The purpose of this study was to translate the Seated Postural Control Measure (SPCM), an outcomemeasure used to assess the effects of adaptive seating intervention, into Korean, and to examine the reliability ofthe Korean version. Methods : The Korean version of the SPCM was completed through a translation process that included thetranslation itself, verifying the translation, a reverse translation, and verifying the reverse translation, and wasexamined for its internal consistency, The test-retest reliability and inter-rater reliability were confirmed basedon 23 participants diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Results : The internal consistency was calculated to be .927 in total, i.e., .681 for the alignment section and .972for the functional section. The test-retest reliability was .954 in total, i.e., .936 for the alignment section and .968for the functional section, and the inter-rater reliability turned out to be .982 in total, i.e., .837 for the alignmentsection and .998 for the functional section. Conclusion : Through a systematic methodology of translation and reliability verification, a Korean version of theSPCM was confirmed as a reliable assessment tool to evaluate seating for people with cerebral palsy in Korea. Itis expected that professionals in the field of assistive technology can apply it to evidence-based adaptive seatingintervention.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.