This paper is a study of Chinese poems created while traveling to Bukgwan(北關) when Gon-Leyun(昆侖) Choi Chang-dae(崔昌大) served as Bukpyongsa(北評事). Gon-Leyun(昆侖) was recognized for his poems and sentences of the time. Even Nong-Am(農巖) Kim Chang-hyup(金昌協), who had a different political orientation at the time, spoke in praise of: It is difficult for Chinese poetry to realize the profound reason, but only Mr.Choi(崔) realized the point. While previous studies have shown that Gon-Leyun(昆侖)’s entire literature has been studied, there is still much to be studied regarding Gon-Leyun(昆侖)’s Chinese poetry. This study attentioned to Bukgwan(北關), a new creative space that inspired Gon-Leyun(昆侖)' to go beyond ordinary daily space and to look at things and curiosity, and looked at Chinese poems that were created during the time when Gon-Leyun(昆侖) served as Bukpyongsa(北評事). When looking at his life, it was also a time when he had given full play to his literary power. First, the study looked at Bukgwan(北關), which had become a new creative space for Gon-Leyun(昆侖), and briefly looked at the different regions that Gon-Leyun(昆侖) was assigned Bukpyongsa(北評事). And then in Poetic World, Under the titles ‘capture of unfamiliar frontier and express of unfamiliar experiences’ and ‘changes in perception of regional colors and realistic description’, looked at how Gon-Leyun(昆侖) embodies the landscape that he saw in the frontier, and what is the characteristic aspect that is manifested in the poetry he created at this time. Many of the works during this period were based on images of unfamiliar terrain and their emotions. The forms are using Old Style Poetry(古詩) along with five or seven character-Regulated Verses. This was Gon-Leyun(昆侖)'s creative intention to actively express his curiosity and feeling about the border areas. In addition, a new perception of Bukgwan(北關) shows a realistic depiction of the scenery he saw, and gyeong-seong-gwan-dae-jo(鏡城觀大操) is one of the representative works. gyeong-seong-gwan-dae-jo(鏡城觀大操) is Long Old Style Poetry(古詩), When he was appointed as Bukpyongsa(北評事), he saw a large-scale military exercise in gyeong-seong(鏡城), and drew it realistically, featuring vivid descriptions and metaphors. In the late Joseon Period, none of the writers created large-scale military drills in the frontier, and, moreover, none of them used Long Old Style Poetry(古詩). The works that were created when he served as Bukpyongsa(北評事) cannot represent his entire Poetic World. However, his work created during this time clearly showed that he was an individual writer who sought new attempts and changes.