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2016, Vol.12, No.1

An Introduction to POSAR Test and its Implications for Software Appraisal
Kim Si Yeol | 2016, 12(1) | pp.1~10 | number of Cited : 2
Problem of SW Cost Estimation Guideline for the Appraisal of Software Development Cost
Kwon, Ki Tae | 2016, 12(1) | pp.11~19 | number of Cited : 6
A detail item guideline for IT device evaluation
LEE KYU TAE | 2016, 12(1) | pp.21~25 | number of Cited : 11
An Effective Classification Scheme for Microsoft Windows Executables using Frequency Information of Strings
Cho Daehee , SEONG JE CHO | 2016, 12(1) | pp.27~36 | number of Cited : 0
Development Procedure of Application Process in Riverbed Modeler
Ki Jang Geun | 2016, 12(1) | pp.37~45 | number of Cited : 0