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2015, Vol.10, No.4

Effects of Modified Cross-body Stretching on Range of Motion in Glenohumeral Joint
Koh, Eun Kyung , Jung, Do-Young | 2015, 10(4) | pp.1~7 | number of Cited : 0
The effect of stair exercise with restriction blood flow on knee extensor muscle
전재윤 , Park, Min-Chull | 2015, 10(4) | pp.9~14 | number of Cited : 10
Validity and Reliability of the knee joint proprioceptive sensory measurements using a smartphone
myungchul kim , Nam-Jae Kim , 이민수 and 1 other persons | 2015, 10(4) | pp.15~23 | number of Cited : 8
Effect of Using a Cell Phone on Gait Parameters in Healthy Young Adults: Texting and texting while Listening to Music
Yu Kyung Hoon , JaeHun Shim , Sung-dae Choung and 1 other persons | 2015, 10(4) | pp.25~31 | number of Cited : 2
A comparison of the effects on abdominal muscles between the abdominal drawing-in maneuver and maximal expiration in chronic stroke patients
Seo Dong Kwon , 김지선 | 2015, 10(4) | pp.33~38 | number of Cited : 2
Comparison of Lumbopelvic Rotation Angle during Active Straight Leg Raise in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain with and without Lumbar Segmental Instability
유창우 , Suhnyeop Kim | 2015, 10(4) | pp.39~48 | number of Cited : 3
Effects of Emphasized Initial Contact Auditory Feedback Gait Training on Balance and Gait in Stroke Patients
김정두 , Yong-Jun Cha , 윤혜진 | 2015, 10(4) | pp.49~57 | number of Cited : 12
Comparison of Visual and Auditory Biofeedback during Sit-to-stand Training for Performance and Balance in Chronic Stroke Patients
이동현 , 최성진 , ChoiHosuk and 1 other persons | 2015, 10(4) | pp.59~68 | number of Cited : 10
Effects of Two Different Joint Mobilization Positions on Neck Pain, Function and Treatment Satisfaction in Patient with Acute Mechanical Neck Pain
이남용 , 송현승 , Suhnyeop Kim | 2015, 10(4) | pp.69~80 | number of Cited : 1
The Study of Asymmetrical of the Serratus Anterior and Lower Trapezius Muscles in Chronic Stroke Patients
정주리 , Wan-hee Lee | 2015, 10(4) | pp.81~90 | number of Cited : 5
The Effect of Manual Joint Mobilization on Pain, ROM, Body Function and Balance in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
이남용 , 권춘숙 , 송현승 | 2015, 10(4) | pp.91~99 | number of Cited : 4
Effects of an 8-week vibration exercise program on quadriceps and hamstring maximum strength and balance in male and female college students
ha kyung jin , Lee Sang-yeol , Choi Seung Jun | 2015, 10(4) | pp.101~106 | number of Cited : 6
The Effects of Lower Limb and Trunk Muscle Activation on Seat Angle and Height during Sit to stand and stand to sit
Kim Byung Jo , LEE SU KYOUNG , Lee Jung Hoon and 1 other persons | 2015, 10(4) | pp.107~112 | number of Cited : 5
Effect of Shoulder External Rotation on EMG Activity of the Scapular Upward Rotators During Arm Elevation
Jung, Do-Young , 원종혁 | 2015, 10(4) | pp.113~121 | number of Cited : 1
Impact of Respiratory Muscle Exercises on Pulmonary Function and Quality of Sleep among Stroke Patients
조요한 , Lee Sangbin | 2015, 10(4) | pp.123~131 | number of Cited : 10