GUIDE FOR AUTHORS The Korean Society of Physical Medicine publishes critical information regarding on the physiotherapy and rehabilitation. The Journal contains original article, case report related to clinical, translational, and basic science research. Original article written in English will be accepted for publication with the understanding that they have not been published previously, nor are under consideration for publication, in any other journal.
SUBMISSIONS REQUIREMENT All authors specified by the Korean Society of Physical Medicine dues must be paid a full member. The start up price for a new individual members is Korean won, ₩30,000. The subscription price of this journal is Korean won, ₩30,000 annually.
MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION Refer to regulation on application of manuscript for the publication.
AUTHORSHIP AND ETHICAL ISSUES This journal followed the statements of International standards for editors and authors ( or ICMJE. All authors are required to secure permission for the reproduction of any figure, table, or extensive (more than fifty word) extract from the text, from a source which is copyrighted. In studies of human projects, the procedures should be in accorance with the ethical standards of the Istitutional Review Board (IRB) of author's institution and with Declaration of Helsinki. For detail, refer to regulation on the research ethics of Korean Society of Physical Medicine (KSPM).
Publication Charge The publication fee for general article is Korean won, ₩200,000. The publication fee for granted article is Korean won, ₩400,000. The publication fee for urgent reviewed article is Korean won, ₩500,000.
Contact Information The authors who need assistance for online submission process and preparing PDF file, please contact Editorial Office: Editorial Office of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine (KSPM) Department of Physical Therapy, Eulji university, Seongnam, Kyeonggi, Korea Tel: +82-10-7379-7923 e-mail: