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The Korean Social Science Journal (KSSJ) aims to contribute substantially to the Korean social sciences in terms of theory as well as methodology. It also aims to play a role of informing scholars and policymakers abroad of research findings in Korean social sciences. In order to do so, the KSSJ welcomes those articles that either link different areas of social sciences together or explore Korean socio-cultural phenomena from a comparative perspective. More generally, KSSJ seeks articles from academicians and practitioners on a broad range of topics in social sciences, as well as proposals for featured topics. KSSJ does not necessarily represent the views of the Korean Social Science Research Council (KOSSREC).

Editor-in-Chief more

Jae Bin Ahn

(Seoul National University, Graduate School of International Studies)

Citation Index more

  • KCI IF(2yr) : 0.06
  • KCI IF(5yr) : 0.08
  • Centrality Index(3yr) : 0.391
  • Immediacy Index : 0.1

Current Issue : 2020, Vol.47, No.2 more

Flight Service Quality and Competition: Evidence from Regional Airports in Korea
Sun, Joo Yeon | 2020, 47(2) | pp.69~82 | number of Cited : 0
Revisiting Neoclassical Realism in Understanding Variations in States’ Armaments: A Case of South Korea and Taiwan's Ballistic Missile Defense
Bee Yun Jo | 2020, 47(2) | pp.83~100 | number of Cited : 2
What affects the User Sharing Degree of Public Transportation Apps in China? - A Comparative Study between Government App and Business App
Guo Yuanyuan | Sun Yu | 2020, 47(2) | pp.101~131 | number of Cited : 1

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