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2007, Vol.34, No.1

Global Standards vs. Local Specificity in Corporate Restructuring : Lessons from the Korea
Chung H. Lee , Keun Lee , Taehong Jinn and 2 other persons | 2007, 34(1) | pp.1~37 | number of Cited : 2
The Divergent Paths of the East Asian Welfare Regimes : The Effects of Production Regimes and Democratization
Chan Ung Park | 2007, 34(1) | pp.39~70 | number of Cited : 6
Affective Congruency Effects in Advertising
HyeSeung Lee , Hyun Young Cho | 2007, 34(1) | pp.71~92 | number of Cited : 0
Globalization and the national social science in the discourse on the SSCI in South Korea
Shin Kwang-Yeong | 2007, 34(1) | pp.93~116 | number of Cited : 0
South Korean Culture Goes Global : K-Pop and the Korean Wave
Eun Mee Kim , Jiwon Ryoo | 2007, 34(1) | pp.117~152 | number of Cited : 19