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2011, Vol.38, No.2

Why Are There Large Foreign Exchange Reserves? The Case of South Korea
Franklin Allen , 홍주연 | 2011, 38(2) | pp.1~33 | number of Cited : 0
Differences and Changes in Paranormal Beliefs in University Students from South Korea and the United States
Ji‐Young Oh , 김기석 , Se-Young Oh | 2011, 38(2) | pp.35~51 | number of Cited : 0
The Analysis on the Credit Card Bubble in Korea with the Permanent Income Hypothesis and the Liquidity Constraint
Lim, Byung-in , Jai Hyung Yoon | 2011, 38(2) | pp.53~79 | number of Cited : 0
Perceived Stressors among College Students in an American and a Korean University
오은정 , Carolyn A. Blondin , Jeff L. Cochran and 1 other persons | 2011, 38(2) | pp.81~113 | number of Cited : 4