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2011, Vol.14, No.1

Narrative as a medium of virtue and practice in medicine
김진경 | 2011, 14(1) | pp.1~11 | number of Cited : 7
Critical Consideration of ‘Autonomy’ in Biomedical Ethics
Kyungsuk Choi | 2011, 14(1) | pp.13~27 | number of Cited : 23
Understanding the Attitude of Korean Adults toward Dignified Dying: Q-Methodological Approach
JO Kaehwa , 김균무 | 2011, 14(1) | pp.29~43 | number of Cited : 6
Research Ethics Education in Korean Dental Schools
정진희 , 박희경 , 배광학 and 1 other persons | 2011, 14(1) | pp.45~54 | number of Cited : 2
Re-conceptualization of vulnerability in clinical trials and the role of Institutional Review Board
Hyun A Bae | 2011, 14(1) | pp.55~77 | number of Cited : 4
Medical Ethics and the New Science of Moral Cognition
John M. McGuire | 2011, 14(1) | pp.78~92 | number of Cited : 0