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2021, Vol.24, No.1

COVID-19 and Research Ethics
Choi Eunkyung ORD ID , Shin Sung Joon ORD ID , Yoo, SangHo ORD ID | 2021, 24(1) | pp.1~16 | number of Cited : 0
Two Conflicting Aspects of Digital Health Technology: Public Safety and Individual Rights
KIM DO KYONG ORD ID | 2021, 24(1) | pp.17~29 | number of Cited : 3
The Need for Ethics and Communication between Social Sectors Due to Disruptions in the Human-Animal-Environment Interface
Eunjoo Choi ORD ID | 2021, 24(1) | pp.31~43 | number of Cited : 1
Factors that Influence Clinical Nurses’ Moral Courage
HYUN Jae-Won ORD ID , KIM Do-Yeon ORD ID , PARK Ji-Su ORD ID and 3 other persons | 2021, 24(1) | pp.45~58 | number of Cited : 3
An Integrated Literature Review of Nursing Ethics Research for Nursing Students in Korea (2011-2020)
LEE Goeun ORD ID , PARK Sung-Ho ORD ID , LEE Hyo-Jin ORD ID and 2 other persons | 2021, 24(1) | pp.59~80 | number of Cited : 11
Ethical Concerns Regarding Patient Autonomy at a COVID-19 Residential Treatment Center
KIM Dan-Bi ORD ID | 2021, 24(1) | pp.81~87 | number of Cited : 12
Nursing Heroes Under Social Pressure: An Review of the Refusal to Care
Park, Jeong Yun ORD ID | 2021, 24(1) | pp.89~95 | number of Cited : 5