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2021, Vol.24, No.2

The Ethics of COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation
FANG Yin-Hua ORD ID , Kim, Ock Joo | 2021, 24(2) | pp.121~137 | number of Cited : 4
Ethical Issues in the French Vaccination Campaign Against COVID-19
JOE TEGU ORD ID | 2021, 24(2) | pp.139~158 | number of Cited : 2
Social Responsibilities of Health Care Professionals during the COVID- 19 Pandemic: Avoiding Privacy Infringements and the Stigmatization of Patients
Jae Young Moon ORD ID , Hye Yoon Park ORD ID , Choi Eunkyung ORD ID | 2021, 24(2) | pp.159~170 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on Family Members’ Experiences of Loss Before the Death of a Terminal Cancer Patient
Won Kyung Chang ORD ID , Kyongjin Ahn | 2021, 24(2) | pp.171~188 | number of Cited : 2
The System for Making Decisions to Forego Life-Sustaining Treatment: Results of a 2020 National Survey
LEE EUNYOUNG ORD ID , HEO Jea Yeong ORD ID , TAE Hyoi Jin ORD ID and 1 other persons | 2021, 24(2) | pp.189~220 | number of Cited : 7
Policy Suggestions for Institutional Bioethics Committees: Based on the U.S. Single IRB Mandate in the Revised Common Rule
Eunjoo Chung ORD ID , KIM Myung-Hee ORD ID , Su Jin Baik ORD ID | 2021, 24(2) | pp.221~244 | number of Cited : 1