author={Sookyung Kim and Kyunghwa Lee and SANGHEE KIM},
title={Ethical Issues in the Forth Industrial Revolution and the Enhancement of Bioethics Education in Korean Universities},
journal={Korean Journal of Medical Ethics },
AU - Sookyung Kim
AU - Kyunghwa Lee
TI - Ethical Issues in the Forth Industrial Revolution and the Enhancement of Bioethics Education in Korean Universities
JO - Korean Journal of Medical Ethics
PY - 2018
VL - 21
IS - 4
PB - The Korean Society For Medical Ethics
SP - 34
EP - 47
SN - 2005-8284
AB - This article explores some of the ethical issues associated with the fourth industrial revolution and sug-gests new directions for bioethics education in Korean universities. Some countries have recently devel-oped guidelines and regulations based on the legal and ethical considerations of the benefits and social risks of new technologies associated with the fourth industrial revolution. Foreign universities have also created courses (both classroom and online) that deal with these issues and help to ensure that these new technologies are developed in an ethically appropriate fashion. In South Korea too there have been at-tempts to enhance bioethics education to meet the changing demands of society. However, bioethics edu-cation in Korea remains focused on traditional bioethical topics and largely neglects the ethical issues relat-ed to emerging technologies. Furthermore, Korean universities offer no online courses in bioethics and the classroom courses that do exist are generally treated as electives. In order to improve bioethics education in Korean universities, we suggest that (a) new course should be developed for interprofessional educa- tion; (b) courses in bioethics should be treated as required subjects gradually; (c) online courses should be prepared, and (d) universities should continually revise course contents in response to the development of new technologies.
KW - fourth industrial revolution;bioethics;education;universities
DO - 10.35301/ksme.2018.21.4.34
ER -
Sookyung Kim, Kyunghwa Lee and SANGHEE KIM. (2018). Ethical Issues in the Forth Industrial Revolution and the Enhancement of Bioethics Education in Korean Universities. Korean Journal of Medical Ethics , 21(4), 34-47.
Sookyung Kim, Kyunghwa Lee and SANGHEE KIM. 2018, "Ethical Issues in the Forth Industrial Revolution and the Enhancement of Bioethics Education in Korean Universities", Korean Journal of Medical Ethics , vol.21, no.4 pp.34-47. Available from: doi:10.35301/ksme.2018.21.4.34
Sookyung Kim, Kyunghwa Lee, SANGHEE KIM "Ethical Issues in the Forth Industrial Revolution and the Enhancement of Bioethics Education in Korean Universities" Korean Journal of Medical Ethics 21.4 pp.34-47 (2018) : 34.
Sookyung Kim, Kyunghwa Lee, SANGHEE KIM. Ethical Issues in the Forth Industrial Revolution and the Enhancement of Bioethics Education in Korean Universities. 2018; 21(4), 34-47. Available from: doi:10.35301/ksme.2018.21.4.34
Sookyung Kim, Kyunghwa Lee and SANGHEE KIM. "Ethical Issues in the Forth Industrial Revolution and the Enhancement of Bioethics Education in Korean Universities" Korean Journal of Medical Ethics 21, no.4 (2018) : 34-47.doi: 10.35301/ksme.2018.21.4.34
Sookyung Kim; Kyunghwa Lee; SANGHEE KIM. Ethical Issues in the Forth Industrial Revolution and the Enhancement of Bioethics Education in Korean Universities. Korean Journal of Medical Ethics , 21(4), 34-47. doi: 10.35301/ksme.2018.21.4.34
Sookyung Kim; Kyunghwa Lee; SANGHEE KIM. Ethical Issues in the Forth Industrial Revolution and the Enhancement of Bioethics Education in Korean Universities. Korean Journal of Medical Ethics . 2018; 21(4) 34-47. doi: 10.35301/ksme.2018.21.4.34
Sookyung Kim, Kyunghwa Lee, SANGHEE KIM. Ethical Issues in the Forth Industrial Revolution and the Enhancement of Bioethics Education in Korean Universities. 2018; 21(4), 34-47. Available from: doi:10.35301/ksme.2018.21.4.34
Sookyung Kim, Kyunghwa Lee and SANGHEE KIM. "Ethical Issues in the Forth Industrial Revolution and the Enhancement of Bioethics Education in Korean Universities" Korean Journal of Medical Ethics 21, no.4 (2018) : 34-47.doi: 10.35301/ksme.2018.21.4.34