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2018, Vol.21, No.4

Improvement of Capability to the Self-Determination of Disabled Women in Abortion
KIM MOONJEONG , Shim Jiwon | 2018, 21(4) | pp.5~19 | number of Cited : 3
Maintaining Professional Dignity in the Age of Social Media
Junga Kim , BHAN Yoowha | 2018, 21(4) | pp.20~33 | number of Cited : 4
Ethical Issues in the Forth Industrial Revolution and the Enhancement of Bioethics Education in Korean Universities
Sookyung Kim , Kyunghwa Lee , SANGHEE KIM | 2018, 21(4) | pp.34~47 | number of Cited : 11
How Patients in Clinical Trials Understand Informed Consent
YEO Wonkyeong , Sook Ja Yang | 2018, 21(4) | pp.48~63 | number of Cited : 1
The Influence of Moral Distress and Moral Sensitivity on Moral Courage in Nursing Students
YUN Hyeyoung , Kim Sunki , Jang Hyo Eun and 2 other persons | 2018, 21(4) | pp.64~80 | number of Cited : 16