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2013, Vol.21, No.3

A Study on the Strategy of Approach for Language Policy from the Perspective of Interculturalism: Focus on the Projects of Korean Language Spread Policy Overseas
KANG Mi-Young , 이보라미 | 2013, 21(3) | pp.1~24 | number of Cited : 6
A Comparative Study of Address and Reference Terms Found in the Prayers of Protestantism and Buddhism
Kang, Hyeon Seok | 2013, 21(3) | pp.25~54 | number of Cited : 7
Study on the Korean language education policies for foreign migrant workers based on the accessibility to the educational facilities
Nahyung, KONG , JU HYANGA , Gim, Joosung and 2 other persons | 2013, 21(3) | pp.55~81 | number of Cited : 7
Study on the Semantic Divergence and Lexical Items of Ojingeo(Squid) in Fishing Village of Ulleungdo
Jisuk Kim | 2013, 21(3) | pp.83~111 | number of Cited : 7
Socio-linguistic study on women's cosmetics' brand names in television advertisements
Eunha Park | 2013, 21(3) | pp.113~134 | number of Cited : 16
On prolonging in Korean conversation
Jae-Eun Park | 2013, 21(3) | pp.135~155 | number of Cited : 1
Critical analysis of contrasting identities and styles of anti- and pro-multicultural discourses in Korea
Park, Hyu-Yong | 2013, 21(3) | pp.157~179 | number of Cited : 0
A Sociolinguistic Study on the name of Korean and Koreans' language attitudes toward the name: Focused on teenage high school students and their parents
Yang, Myunghee , Kang, Hui-suk , Dongdeun Park | 2013, 21(3) | pp.181~203 | number of Cited : 9
Implications for EMCs: Based on Students' Perspectives
Yang, Taesun | 2013, 21(3) | pp.205~219 | number of Cited : 1
Writing Practice of English Chatting Language and its Different Communication Strategies from That of Korean
Jinseong Lee | 2013, 21(3) | pp.221~247 | number of Cited : 8
The correlation between adult literacy and their vocabularies
Lee, Hyun Hee , Park, Chulwoo | 2013, 21(3) | pp.249~282 | number of Cited : 9
The Trends on the Study of Language Power and the Sociolinguistical Approaches
Heo Jae-young | 2013, 21(3) | pp.283~306 | number of Cited : 5