/ 1984
/ Structures of Social Action Studies in Conversation Analysis
/ Cambridge University Press
/ 1960
/ The pronouns of power and solidarity Style in Language
/ MIT Press
: 253~76
/ 1992
/ Talk at Work Interaction in Institutional Settings
/ Cambridge University Press
/ 1988
/ and social action in a Samoan context Journal of Pragmatics
: 13~33
/ 1994
/ From grammar to politics Linguistic anthropology in a Western Samoan village University of California Press
/ 1992
/ Language as an Interactive Phenomenon
/ Cambridge University Press
/ 1997
/ Analyzing Casual Conversation
/ Cassell
/ 1995
/ Critical Dicourse Analysis
/ Longman
/ 1990
/ The Sociolinguistics of Language
/ 1981
/ Literature as Social Discourse the Practice of Linguistic Criticism
/ 1967
/ Studies in Ethnomethodology
/ Prentice-Hall
/ 1967
/ Essays on Face-to-face Behaviour
/ Doubleday Anchor Books
/ 1974
/ An Essay on the Organization of Experience
/ 1981
/ Forms of Talk University of Pennsylvania
/ 1981
/ Interaction between Speakers and Hearers
/ Academic Press
/ 1987
/ Concurrent operations on talk Notes on the interactive organization of assessments IPRA Papers in Pragmatics 1
: 1~54
/ 1964
/ The ethnography of communication
: 103~14
/ 1972
/ Directions in Sociolinguistics
/ 1990
/ Language and Lived Space among the Maya The University of Chicago Press
/ 1992
/ The indexical ground of deictic reference
/ Cambridge University Press
: 43~76
/ 1988
/ We want to borrow your mouth
: 395~447
/ 1995
/ Syntax, semantics, and sexual violence
: 60~84
/ 1962
/ The ethnography of speaking Anthropological Society of Washington
/ 1972
/ Models of the interaction of language and social life Directions in Sociolinguistics the Ethnography of Communication
: 35~71
/ 1974a189-223
/ The ethnography of speaking
/ 1974b
/ Foundations in Sociolinguistics University of Pennsylvania Press
/ 1973
/ A case of precision timing in ordinary conversation Overlapped tag-positioned address terms in closing sequences
: 47~9 96
/ 1974188-199
/ Error correction as an interactional resource Language in Society 2
/ 1978
/ Sequencing aspects of storytelling in conversation
: 219~248
/ 1987
/ On exposed and embedded correction in conversation
: 86~99
/ 2002
/ Discourse Analysis
/ Blackwell
/ 1992
/ and Syncretism in a Papua New Guinean Village
/ Cambridge University Press
/ 1967
/ oral versions of personal experiences Essays on the Verbal and Visual Arts University of Washington Press
: 123~153
/ 1972
/ The transformation of experience in narrative syntax Language in the Inner City University of Pennsylvania Press
: 354~96
/ 1977
/ Psychotherapy as Conversation
/ Academic Press
/ 1991
/ On the syntax of sentence-in-progress Language in Society 20
: 441~458
/ 1996
/ On the 'semi-permeable' character of grammatical units in conversation: Conditional entry into the turn space of another speaker
: 238~276
/ 1999
/ The Dicourse Reader
/ Routledge
/ 2000
/ Introducing Sociolinguistics
/ John Benjamins
/ 1996
/ Interaction and Grammar
/ Cambridge University Press
/ 2003
/ Sociolinguistics: The Essential Readings
/ Blackwell
/ 1978
/ Notes on the co-operation of multiple constraints
: 79~112
/ 1984
/ Agreeing and disagreeing with assessments Some features of preferred/dispreferred turn shapes
: 57~101
/ 1979
/ Studies in Ethnomethodology
/ 1990
/ International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis & University Press of America
/ 1972
/ On the analyzability of stories by children
: 325~345
/ [1973]1987
/ On the preferences for agreement and contiguity in sequences in conversation
: 54~69
/ 1992
/ Lectures on Conversation With introductions by E
2 s
/ 1974
/ A simplest systematics for the organization of turn-taking conversation
: 696~50 735
/ 1982/1989
/ The Ethnography of Communication
/ 1972
/ Sequencing in conversational openings
: 346~80
/ 1979
/ The relevance of repair to syntax-for-conversation
/ Academic Press
: 261~286
/ 1982
/ Discourse as an interactional achievement Some uses of 'uh-huh' and other things that come between sentences Georgetown University Roundtable on Languages and Linguistics 1981
/ Georgetown University Press
: 71~93
/ 1986
/ The routine as achievement
: 111~151
/ 1995
/ Discourse as an interactional achievement III
: 185~211
/ 1996a
/ Turn organization: One intersection of grammar and interaction
: 52~133
/ 1996b
/ Some practices for referring to persons in talk-in-interaction: A partial sketch of a systematics
: 438~485
/ 1996c
/ Confirming allusions: Toward an empirical account of action
: 161~216
/ 1996d
/ Issues of relevance for discourse analysis: Contingency in action, interaction and co-participant context
/ Springer Verlag
: 3~35
/ 1997
/ Practices and actions: Boundary cases of other initiated repair
: 499~545
/ 2000
/ when 'others' initiate repair
: 205 ~243
/ 1977
/ The preference for self- correction in the organization of repair in conversation
: 361~53 382
/ 1978
/ Studies in the Organization of Conversational Interaction
/ Academic Press
/ 1990
/ The Give and Take of Everyday Life Language Socialization of Kaluli Children
/ Cambridge University Press
/ 1994
/ Approaches to Discourse
/ 2001
/ The Handbook of Discourse Analysis
/ Blackwell
/ 1983
/ The Sociolinguistic Analysis of Natural Language
/ Basil Blackwell
/ 2002
/ Critical Discourse Analysis: Critical Concepts in Linguistics
/ Routledge
/ 1985
/ Discourse analysis as a new cross-discipline Handbook of Discourse Analysis Disciplines of Discourse
/ Academic Press
/ 1978
/ Mind in Society The Development of Higher Psychological Processes
/ Harvard University Press
/ 1998
/ An Introduction to Sociolinguistics