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천안아산지역어와 대구지역어에 나타나는탈락현상의 비교연구-

  • The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea
  • Abbr : 사회언어학
  • 2006, 14(2), pp.1-26
  • Publisher : The Sociolinguistic Society Of Korea
  • Research Area : Humanities > Linguistics

Kang, Hyeon Seok 1 Janghee Lee 2




Kang, Hyeon-seok and Lee, Jang-hee. 2006. A Comparative Study of w Deletion Observed in Cheonan-Asan and Daegu College Students' Regional Dialects. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 14(2). On the basis of 24 speakers' recorded speech this paper examines the variable deletion of w in two regional dialects, Cheonan-Asan Korean and Daegu Korean. Varbrul analyses are conducted using the 3965 tokens of (w). Results of the combined and separate analyses show that the two dialects are subject to very similar constraints in w deletion, though deletion rates and the strengths of the constraints on the deletion process are somewhat different. It is suggested that the syllable structure of young Daegu Korean speakers might be rather different from that of older speakers, and that dialect leveling from contact with Standard Korean could be the cause of this change.

Citation status

* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.

This paper was written with support from the National Research Foundation of Korea.